Java Drawing DrawTop




Debug Tool

 H. Jyounishi, Tokyo Japan

Frame (Index), No frame                 version:0.3(latest)  

Summary: This page describes the dialog to show the standard output.
Relevant major classes of Java SE: java.awt.event.*,*, javax.swing.* など
Classes on this page: ButtonOfDebug, DialogOfSystemOut, TextAreaOutputStream

1.Class ButtonOfDebug return=>page top

1.1 The menu and menu items of the debug command
(a) The menu of the debug command (b) The menu items of the Print command (c) The menu items of the Test Shape command

Figure 1. The debug command

1.2 API
public class ButtonOfDebug extends JMenuBar implements ActionListener
: ButtonOfDebug object is created by the DrawMenu.createDebugTestGroup method and is added to the ToolBar panel.
Field Description
menu JMenu menu
Set JMenu object.
ButtonOfDebug is an extended class of JMenuBar and its display is the debug button in Figure 1 (a). The menu object is added (add) to ButtonOfDebug and displayed under the debug button as shown in Fig. 1 (a).

Method Description
Constructor public ButtonOfDebug(String commandName, boolean setText, ImageIcon imageIcon, String tip)
Creates a button with the specified ImageIcon on the button.
commandName - The command name.
setText - If true, displays the command name on the button.
imageIcon - The imageIcon to be displayed on the button.
tip - The text to be displayed in a tool tip.
public void setStandardButtonStyle()
Calls the following methods.;
Border raisedBorder = new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED);;;;
Color backGround=new Color(0xDDE8F3);;;

setSelected public void setSelected(boolean selected)
Sets the parameter to the menu.
isSelected public boolean isSelected()
Returns if the menu is selected.
public static ButtonOfDebug createDebugButton(int width)
width - The width of the button.
The settings are the follow.

ButtonOfDebug menuButton=new ButtonOfDebug("debug", true, null, commandName);
String[] menuItemNames={"System.out dialog","print menulist"};

actionPerformed public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
Executes the processing according to the menu item.

2. Class DialogOfSystemOut return=>page top
2.1 Display of the SystemOutDialog dialog

Figure 2. SystemOutDialog
Displays the dialog of the standard output and error output.

2.2 API
public class DialogOfSystemOut implements WindowListener
Method Description
Constructor public DialogOfPageSetup()
Sets the following.

super(ObjectTable.getDrawMain(), "System.out");

showDialog public void showDialog()
∙ If this dialog is already opened, this method does nothing.

Whether the dialog is opened or not can be checked by the by the getMenuComponent of the menuUtil.

∙ Creates a new JTextArea object and a new JScrollPane object , and then adds the new JTextArea to the new JScrollPane.
∙ Creates a new TextAreaOutputStream object and sets it to the standard output stream.

TextAreaOutputStream outputStream=new TextAreaOutputStream(textArea);
System.setOut(new PrintStream(outputStream));
System.setErr(new PrintStream(outputStream));

∙ Shows the dialog by calling this.setVisible(true).
∙ Registers this object to the MenuComponentList the setMenuComponent.
closeDialog private void closeDialog()
Sets this dialog invisible and removes this from the MenuComponentList.
Restores the standard output stream.

FileOutputStream fileOut=new FileOutputStream(FileDescriptor.out);
PrintStream out=new PrintStream(new BufferedOutputStream(fileOut), true);

windowClosing public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
Calls the closeDialog method.

3. Class TextAreaOutputStream return=>page top
public class TextAreaOutputStream extends OutputStream
Field Description
textArea JTextArea textArea
JTextArea object.

Method Description
Constructor public TextAreaOutputStream(JTextArea textArea)
Sets the parameter to the field.
write public void write(int i)


write public void write(char[] buf, int off, int len)

String s = new String(buf, off, len);

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