Java Drawing DrawTop




Zoom In/Out

 H. Jyounishi, Tokyo Japan

Frame (Index), No frame                 version:0.3(latest)  

Summary: This class shows the dialog (DialogOfZoom) to specify a scale (zoom) factor. To redraw the canvas at the specified scale factor, this class generares "ZOOM_TO" command and calls the ExecCommand.exec method.
Relevant major classes of Java SE: java.awt.event.*, javax.swing.*, javax.swing.event.* など
Class on this page: DialogOfZoom, DialogOfZoomAction, ZoomItemListener, ZoomSpinnerChangeListener

1. Class DialogOfZoom return=>page top
1.1 Dialog
Specifies the scale (zoom) factor by the dialog of the Figure 1.
∙ The left-side component in the dialog is a combo box and the right-side component is a spinner whose step size is 1%.
∙ If the scale factor specified by the spinner doesn't match any of the items of the combo box, then a space is displayed in the combo box
∙ Whenever the scale factor is specified in the combo box or the spinner, the canvas will be refreshed at the specified scale factor.
∙ If the "Cancel button" is clicked, then the canvas is redrawn at the scale factor before changed by the dialog.
∙ The property tab isn't currently used.

Figure 1

1.2 DialogOfZoom API 戻る=>page top
public class DialogOfZoom extends JDialog
Field Description
public static DialogOfZoom main
Sets this object to main. This field is referred by the DialogOfZommAction, ZoomItemListener and ZoomSpinnerChangeListener class.
dialogDimension Dimension dialogDimension
The size of the dialog.
zoomComboBox JComboBox zoomComboBox
The JCombobox object in the dialog.
zoomSpinner JSpinner zoomSpinner
The JSpinner object in the dialog.
zoomSpinnerModel SpinnerNumberModel zoomSpinnerModel
The SpinnerNumber model for the JSpinner.
scaleSave double scaleSave
Saves the scale factor when this object is created. If the "Cancel button" is clicked, then refers this field.

Method Description
Constructor public DialogOfZoom()

super(ObjectTable.getDrawMain(), "zoom");

showDialog public void showDialog()
∙ Sets the dialog position at the left upper of the window.
∙ Creates the the ZoomPanel by the createZoomPanel method and sets it to the dialog
∙ Shows the dialog by the setVisible method.
createZoomPanel private JPanel createZoomPanel()
∙ Places the combo box and spinner to the ZoomPanel.

Adds the action listener (DialogOfZoomAction) and item listener (ZoomItemListener) to the combo box and sets the action command "Zoom" to the combo box.
Add the change listener (ZoomSpinnerChangeListener) to the spinner.

∙ Places "OK" button and "Cancel" button to the dialog.

Adds the action listener (DialogOfZoomAction) to the buttons.
Sets the action command "OK Zoom" to the "OK" button and sets the action command "Cancel Zoom" to the "Cancel" button

2. Class DialogOfZoomAction class DialogOfZoomAction extends AbstractAction
Field Description
main static DialogOfZoomAction main
Sets this object to the main.

Method Description
actionPerformed public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
This method is called, when the scale factor is specified to the combo box or the "OK", "Cancel" buttons are clicked.
∙ The action command equals "Zoom".

If the selected item of the zoomComboBox doesn't equal "", then gets the scale factor by the getScale method, otherwise gets the scale factor from the zoomSpinnerModel.

Generate the "ZOOM_TO" command and calls the ExecCommand.exec method.

∙ The action command equals "OK Zoom".

The "OK" button was clicked. Close the dialog and returns.

∙ The action command equals "Cancel Zoom".

The "Cancel" button was clicked.
Generate the "ZOOM_TO" command with the parameter of the scaleSave and executes the command.

getScale protected double getScale(String scaleString)
scaleString - The string representing the selected item of the combo box.
Returns the scale factor.

3.Class ZoomItemListener 戻る=>page top
class ZoomItemListener implements ItemListener

This listener is set to the combo box (zoomComboBox).

Method Description
itemStateChanged public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e)
When a item is selected in the combo box, this method sets the scale factor of the selected item to the spinner.

4. Class ZoomSpinnerChangeListener 戻る=>page top
class ZoomSpinnerChangeListener implements ChangeListener
This listener is set to the spinner (zoomSpinner).
Method Description
stateChanged public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e)
When a scale factor is set in the spinner, this method sets the scale factor to the combo box. If the scale factor in the spinner doesn't correspond to any item of the combo box, then this method show space item in the combo box.

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