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This software is developed and copyrighted by HIOX Softwares.
This is given under The GNU General Public License (GPL).
This version is HVT2.0

a) You can have a look at the ip statistics of user visiting your web site.
b) It also shows accurate time and date of when the web site was visited.
c) Simple and nice HVT viewer makes it so easy to view statistics / reports of
the web site.
d) You can also set the MaxFileLength, DeleteLength parameters.
i.e. Once the file reaches MaxFileLength entries, oldest DeleteLength entries
will be removed by default
e) File Based Utility.

This tool tracks all the vistors who visited the webpages.
It has the following informations logged into file
a)Visitor IP
b)Visitor Hostname
c)Date of visit
d)Time of visit
e)Page Visited

Feature Added in 2.0 Release:
The total length of the file.
i.e number of entries in the file can be defined.

The filesize should not go over a limit.
So in this release we have added the feature in such a way that the user can set his MaxFileLength Parameter.

We use two parameters for this purpose.
MaxFileLength:900; DeleteLength:500;

i.e. Once the file reaches 900 entries the oldest 500 entries will be removed by default.

Note: The delete will happen only when HVT-Viewer used.
It will not happen during addition of new entries.

Please take 5 minutes time and read installation instructions carefully and
completely! This will ensure a proper and easy installation.

a) Unzip HVT_2_0.zip, to extract the file to the folder

File permissions:
a) Set read write (766) permission to the file HVT_2_0/ ip.txt(only for Linux

Setting File Size:
a) Open the file HVT_2_0/ ip.txt .Change the following parameters to set
maximum entries, the number of old entries to be deleted.

MaxFileLength:900 ; DeleteLength:500;

Creating the Username, Password:
a) Open the file HVT_2_0/admin/about.php in a browser.
b) The screen will prompt for the user name, password, create a user name,

Embedding the Visitor Tracker:
a) Click on the option gGet codeh, copy and paste the code where ever on the
page to display the Visitor tracker

Viewing Statistics:
a) Click on the option gView Statisticsh to view the visitor statistics
including Count, Host Name, Visitor, Ip, File Visited, Date, and Time.

Change password:
a) Click on the option gChange Passwordh to change the password.

If you have any issues with the code, please, click on the option gReporth, to
go to feedback page of Hscripts.com to give feedback

What you can do for us:
If you use HIOX Softwarefs free scripts or any portion of the code, a link to
Hscripts.com will be on your website. We believe it is a fair trade for a free
script/code. Please donft remove the link. It will of great help to us.

Release Date HVT 2.0 : 30-04-2004
Release Date HVT 1.7 : 21-04-2004
Release Date HVT 1.0 : 21-03-2004

On any suggestions mail to us at support@hscripts.com

Visit us at http://www.hscripts.com
Visit us at http://www.hiox.com
a product by © hscripts.com