Java Drawing DrawTop




Test Tool

 H. Jyounishi, Tokyo Japan

Frame (Index), No frame                 version:0.3(latest)  

Summary: This page describes the dialog to show the standard output.
Relevant major classes of Java SE: java.awt.event.*,*, javax.swing.* など
Classes on this page: ButtonOfTest, GeometricTest, GeometricTestAction, GeometricTestLS

1.Class ButtonOfDebug return=>page top
1.1 The menu and menu items of the debug command
(a) The menu of the test command (b) The menu of the geometric test

Figure 1. The test command

1.2 API
public class ButtonOfDebug extends JMenuBar implements ActionListener
: ButtonOfDebug object is created by the DrawMenu.createDebugTestGroup method and is added to the ToolBar panel.
Field Description
menu JMenu menu
Set JMenu object.
ButtonOfDebug is an extended class of JMenuBar and its display is the debug button in Figure 1 (a). The menu object is added (add) to ButtonOfDebug and displayed under the debug button as shown in Fig. 1 (a).

Method Description
Constructor public ButtonOfDebug(String commandName, boolean setText, ImageIcon imageIcon, String tip)
Creates a button with the specified ImageIcon on the button.
commandName - The command name.
setText - If true, displays the command name on the button.
imageIcon - The imageIcon to be displayed on the button.
tip - The text to be displayed in a tool tip.
public void setStandardButtonStyle()
Calls the following methods.;
Border raisedBorder = new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED);;;;
Color backGround=new Color(0xDDE8F3);;;

setSelected public void setSelected(boolean selected)
Sets the parameter to the menu.
isSelected public boolean isSelected()
Returns if the menu is selected.
public static ButtonOfDebug createDebugButton(int width)
width - The width of the button.
The settings are the follow.

ButtonOfDebug menuButton=new ButtonOfDebug("debug", true, null, commandName);
String[] menuItemNames={"System.out dialog","print menulist"};

actionPerformed public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
Executes the processing according to the menu item.

(1)geometric test menu item

Create GeometricTest object and call GeometricTest.showDialog method.
Display Examples => Figure 2

(2)draw bounding box menu item

Set true to DrawParameters.DRAW_BOUNDINGBOX.
DrawShapeUtil.drawStandardElement and DrawShapeUtil.drawLineElement methods displays bounding boxes

(3)draw characteristic points menu item

Set true to DrawParameters.DRAW_CHARACTERISTIC_POINTS.
DrawShapeUtil.drawCharacteristicMark method displays characteristic points.

(4)draw textLayout bound menu item

Set true to DrawParameters.DRAW_TEXTLAYOUT.
TextBox.drawText method displays textLayout bounds.

(5)renumber ContainerList menu item

Renumber the serial number of shapeId which is the identifier of ShapeContainer.
Renumbering is executed in the ContainerManager.ContainerList by ContainerManager.renumberContainerList method.

2 Class GeometricTest return=>page top
2.1 Test
Geometric test checks the stability of the numerical calculations such as the bisection method and the Newton-Raphson method(Figures below).

(a) The normal lines from the mouse pointer

(b) The shortest line from the mouse pointer

(c) The projection lines from the mouse pointer

(d) intersection points between shapes

(e) The common normal lines between shapes

(f) The shortest line(s) between shapes

∙ The shortest lines are displayed for each element of a group shape.
∙ Line color:

Red line: Common normal line.
Blue line: Connecting to a segment junction point(endpoint or cusp point) at least one shape.

Figure 1.2 The test items of the Geometric test

(a)Normal Lines From Mouse: Calculate the normal lines from the mouse pointer to the selected shape and display the normal lines and their end points as Figure_(a).
(b)Shortest Line From Mouse: Calculate the shortest line from the mouse pointer to the selected shape as Figure_(b).
(c)Projection Lines From Mouse: Calculate the projection lines in 8 directions from the mouse pointer to the selected shape as Figure_(c).
(d)Intersection Pts: Move the selected shape so that it overlaps another shape, then calculate and display the intersection points between the two shapes as Figure_(d).
(e)Normal Lines Between Shapes: Move the selected shape to other shape, then calculate and display the common normal lines between two shapes.(Figure_(e))
(f)Shortest Line Between Shapes: Move the selected shape to other shape, then calculate and display the shortest line between two shapes.(Figure_(f))

∙ The multiple shortest lines are displayed for each element of a group shape.
∙ Line colors

Red line: Common normal line
Blue line: Connecting to a segment junction point(endpoint or cusp point) at least one shape.

2.2 API
public class GeometricTest
Field Description
geometricTestLS GeometricTestLS geometricTestLS
The GeometricTestLS object.
messageLabel JLabel messageLabel
The message label on which the showMessage method outputs a message.
NormalLinesFromMouseButton JRadioButton NormalLinesFromMouseButton
The button indicating the calculation of Figure_(a)).
ShortestLineFromMouseButton JRadioButton ShortestLineFromMouseButton
The button indicating the calculation of Figure_(b).
ProjectionLinesFromMouseButton JRadioButton ProjectionLinesFromMouseButton
The button indicating the calculation of Figure_(c).
IntersectionPtsButton JRadioButton IntersectionPtsButton
The button indicating the calculation of Figure_(d).
NormalLinesBetweenShapesButton JRadioButton NormalLinesBetweenShapesButton
The button indicating the calculation of Figure_(e)
ShortestLineBetweenShapesButton JRadioButton ShortestLineBetweenShapesButton
The button indicating the calculation of Figure_(f)

Method Description
Constructor public GeometricTest()
Sets the following.

super(ObjectTable.getDrawMain(), "Geometric test");
this.geometricTestLS=new GeometricTestLS();
this.setName("Geometric test");

showDialog public void showDialog()
If this dialog is already opened, this method does nothing.

Whether the dialog is opened or not can be checked by the by the getMenuComponent of the menuUtil.

∙ Sets the GeometricTestAction to this object as a window listener.
∙ Calls the start method of the GeometricTestLS to start the mouse listeners.
∙ Sets the buttons and the message label to this object.
∙ Shows the dialog by calling this.setVisible(true).
∙ Registers this object to MenuComponentList by the setMenuComponent.
showMessage protected void showMessage(String message)
Shows the message on the messageLabel.
getGeometricTestLS protected GeometricTestLS getGeometricTestLS()
Returns the geometricTestLS.

3. Class GeometricTestAction return=>page top
class GeometricTestAction extends AbstractAction implements WindowListener
Method Description
actionPerformed public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
∙ If the NormatLinesFromMouseButton is pressed,

Sets GeometricTestLS.NormalLinesFromMouse_Mode to the GeometricTestLS.

∙ If the ShortestLineFromMouseButton is pressed,

Sets GeometricTestLS.ShortestLineFromMouse_Mode to the GeometricTestLS.

∙ If the ProjectionLinesFromMouseButton is pressed,

Sets GeometricTestLS.ProjectionLinesFromMouse_Mode to the GeometricTestLS.

∙ If the IntersectionPtsButton is pressed,

Sets GeometricTestLS.IntersectionPts_Mode to the GeometricTestLS.

∙ If the NormalLinesBetweenShapesButton is pressed,

Sets GeometricTestLS.NormalLinesBetweenShapes_Mode to the GeometricTestLS.

∙ If the ShortestLineBetweenShapesButton is pressed,

Sets GeometricTestLS.ShortestLineBetweenShapes_Mode to the GeometricTestLS.

About the above Buttons: => Buttons, The items of the geometric test
closeDialog private void closeDialog()
∙ Closes the dialog.
∙ Calls the end method of the GeometricTestLS.
∙ Clears the temporary shape objects by the clearTempShape method of the DrawPanel.
∙ Removes this dialog from the MenuComponentList by the removeMenuComponent.
windowClosing public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
Calls the closeDialog method.

4. Class GeometricTestLS return=>page top
public class GeometricTestLS implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener

Field Description
mode int mode
The operation mode of this object.
NormalLinesFromMouse_Mode public static int NormalLinesFromMouse_Mode=1;
The mode representing the calculation of Figure_(a).
ShortestLineFromMouse_Mode public static int ShortestLineFromMouse_Mode=2;
The mode representing the calculation of Figure_(b)
ProjectionLinesFromMouse_Mode public static int ProjectionLinesFromMouse_Mode=3;
The mode representing the calculation of Figure_(c)
IntersectionPts_Mode public static int IntersectionPts_Mode=4;
The mode representing the calculation of Figure_(d)
NormalLinesBetweenShapes_Mode public static int NormalLinesBetweenShapes_Mode=5;
The mode representing the calculation of Figure_(e)
ShortestLineBetweenShapes_Mode public static int ShortestLineBetweenShapes_Mode=6;
The mode representing the calculation of Figure_(f)

Method Description
start public void start()
This method is called by the showDialog method of the GeometricTest and registers this object to the ListenerPanel as a mouse listener.
end public void end()
This method is called by the closeDialog method of the GeometricTestAction and removes this object from the ListenerPanel.
setMode public void setMode(int mode)
Sets the parameter to the mode.
mousePressed public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
If the mode equals IntersectionPts_Mode, then this method calls the drawIntersectionPts method.
mouseDragged public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
If the mode equals IntersectionPts_Mode, then this method calls the drawIntersectionPts method.
mouseReleased public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
If the mode equals GIntersectionPts_Mode, then this method calls the drawIntersectionPts method.
mouseClicked public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
Nothing is done.
mouseMoved public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
∙ If the mode equals NormalLinesFromMouse_Mode, then this method calls the drawNormalLines method.
∙ If the mode equals ShortestLineFromMouse_Mode, then this method calls the drawShortestLine method.
mouseEntered public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
Nothing is done.
public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
Nothing is done.
protected void drawNormalLines(Point2D point)
∙ Gets all the selected shapes by the getAllSigleShapeContainers method of the ContainerManager.
∙ Calculates the normal lines from the current mouse position to the selected shapes by the Curve2DUtil.getNormalLines method.
∙ Draws the normal lines and their end points on the boundaries of the selected shapes by the DrawShapeUtil.drawTempShape method.
=>Figure (a)
drawShortestLine protected void drawShortestLine(Point2D point)
∙ Gets all the selected shapes by the getAllSigleShapeContainers method of the ContainerManager.
∙ Calculates the shortest lines from the current mouse position to the selected shapes by the Curve2DUtil.getShortestLine method.
∙ Draws the shortest lines and their end points on the boundaries of the selected shapes by the DrawShapeUtil.drawTempShape method.
=>Figure (b)
drawProjectionLines protected void drawProjectionLines(Point2D point)
point - The position of the mouse cursor
∙ Get all of the selected single shapes by the ContainerManager.getAllSigleShapeContainers method.
∙ From the current mouse position (point), calculate the projection lines to the selected single shapes on 8 directions with 45-degree pitch by the Curve2DUtil.getProjectionLines method.
∙ Display marks at the position of the projection point on the shape, and display the projection lines by the DrawShapeUtil.drawTempShape method.
=>Figure (c)
drawIntersectionPts protected void drawIntersectionPts()
∙ Calculates the intersection points between the selected shapes and the other shapes by the Curve2DUtil.getIntersectionPts method.
∙ Draws the intersection points by the DrawShapeUtil.drawTempShape method.
=>Figure (d)
drawNormalLinesBetweenShapes protected void drawNormalLinesBetweenShapes()
∙ Get the selected shape and its nearest shape(target shape) by the getClosestShapes method.
∙ For each selected shape and target shape, get the single shape elements respectively.

Considering also that the shape is a group shape, get the single shape elements of the selected shape and the target shape as arrays by the ShapeContainer.getGroupedSingleShapeContainers method.

∙ Calculation of common normal lines.

Calculate common normal lines for combinations of the single element shapes of the selected shape and those of the target shape by the getNormalLinesBetweenClosedCouple of this class.

∙ Display results

Create the display lines of the calculation result based on the returned Curve2DUtil.NormalsInfo objects and display them and marks if there is intersection points by the the DrawShapeUtil.drawTempShape.

=>Figure (e)
getClosestShapes protected ShapeContainer[] getClosestShapes()
Return the selected shape to the ShapeContainer[0] and return a shape nearest to the the selected shape which is denoted by a target shape to the ShapeContainer[1].
The shapes to be returned may be a group shape.
∙ Get the selected shape by the ContainerManager.getSelectedContainers method.
∙ Get the target shape

Get the all of the shapes stored in the ContainerManager.ContainrtList by the ContainerManager.getContainers method. Cover each of them by a rectangle and caluculate the distance between the rectangle covering the selected shape and other rectangles by the Curve2DUtil.distanceBetweenBoxes, then the nearest shape to the selected shape can be acquired as the target shape.

getNormalLinesBetweenClosedCouple protected Vector getNormalLinesBetweenClosedCouple(ShapeContainer selectedShape, ShapeContainer targetShape)
selectedShape - The selected shape.
targetShape - The closest shape to the selected shape. This object is denoted by target shape<.BR> Processing:
∙ For each selected shape and target shape, get the single shape elements respectively.

Considering also that the shape is a group shape, get the single shape elements of the selected shape and the target shape as arrays by the ShapeContainer.getGroupedSingleShapeContainers method.

∙ Calculation of common normal lines.

Calculate common normal lines for combinations of the single element shapes of the selected shape and those of the target shape by the Curve2DUtil.getNormalLinesBetweenShapes.
The output data of the above method is a Vector object and stores Curve2DUtil.NormalsInfo objects. Finally this method moves the Curve2DUtil.NormalsInfo objects to in another Vector object (normalLines) and returns the normalLines.

drawShortestLinesBetweenShapes protected void drawShortestLinesBetweenShapes()
∙ Get the selected shape and its nearest shape(target shape) by the getClosestShapes method.
∙ For each selected shape and target shape, get the single shape elements respectively.

Considering also that the shape is a group shape, get the single shape elements of the selected shape and the target shape as arrays by the ShapeContainer.getGroupedSingleShapeContainers method.

∙ Calculation of common normal lines.

Calculate common normal lines for combinations of the single element shapes of the selected shape and those of the target shape by the Curve2DUtil.getShortestLinesBetweenClosedCouple of this class.

∙ Display results

Create the display lines of the calculation result based on the returned Curve2DUtil.NormalsInfo objects and display them and marks if there is intersection points by the the DrawShapeUtil.drawTempShape.

=>Figure (f)
getShortestLinesBetweenClosedCouple protected Vector getShortestLinesBetweenClosedCouple(ShapeContainer selectedShape, ShapeContainer targetShape)
selectedShape - The selected shape.
targetShape - The closest shape to the selected shape. This object is denoted by target shape.
∙ For each selected shape and target shape, get the single shape elements respectively.

Considering also that the shape is a group shape, get the single shape elements of the selected shape and the target shape as arrays by the ShapeContainer.getGroupedSingleShapeContainers method.

∙ Calculation of common normal lines.

Calculate common normal lines for combinations of the single element shapes of the selected shape and those of the target shape by the Curve2DUtil.getShortestLineBetweenShapes.
The output data of the above method is a Vector object and stores Curve2DUtil.NormalsInfo objects. Finally this method moves the Curve2DUtil.NormalsInfo objects to in another Vector object (shortestLines) and returns the shortestLines.

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