Java Drawing DrawTop




Text Box

 H. Jyounishi, Tokyo Japan

Frame (Index), No frame                 version:0.3(latest)  

Summary: This page describes a simple text editor which enable us to input text in a text box, edit the text, add text attributes (bold, italic, fomt family, size color etc.) on the text and so on.
Classes on this page: TextBox, TextUndoSetup
=> DrawTest: Text Editor using the Input Method Framework

1. Overview
1.1 Input Method Framework, Java 2D Graphics

It seemed easy to build a text editor for a drawing tool using a Swing component like JTextComponent or JEditorPane , however a text box created by using a Swing component seemed impossible to be zoomed at any magnification. As the result, we built a simple text editor using java awt, text and the Input Method Framework.

∙ Input Method Framework (=> Java™ Input Method Framework (IMF) Technology)

The keyTyped method of the java.awt.event.KeyListener receives alphabetic text. If input text is Japanese, the inputMethodTextChanged method of the java.awt.event.InputMethodListener receives the text converted by a kana-kanji converter.


The AWT (java.awt) classes are used to display attributed strings (java.text.AttributedString). Especially the related processing to the java.awt.font.LineBreakMeasurer are important.

1.2 Inputting text.
(1) Operation

To input text to a text box, the inside of the text box must be clicked by the mouse. After that, the text box will be selected and displayed with a green frame which shows that the text box is editable. If a gray frame is displayed in the text box, it is selected but not editable.

=> User's guide  Editing text

The way of inputting text is the same as usual word processors. To input Japanese text, a Kana-kanji converter is used. After alphabetic characters have been input, they are converted to a kana/kanji and displayed with a dotted underline. If the converted kana/kanji is not appropriate, a list of candidate kana/kanji will be displayed by pressing conversion key or space key. The correct kana/kanji can be selected by moving the cursor or specifying the number.

(2) Text input method

When alphabetic characters are input, the keyTyped method of the ListenerPanel receives them and transfers them to keyTyped method of TextBox. When Japanese kana/kanji are input, the inputMethodTextChanged method of the ListenerPanel receives them by the InputMethodEvent and transfers them to inputMethodTextChanged method of TextBox.

The keyTyped method of theTextBox: Inserts characters to the CommittedTextContainer by the insertText method.

The inputMethodTextChanged method of theTextBox

If the committed text exists in the InputMethodEvent, it will be stored to the CommittedTextContainer by the insertText method.
If the composed text exists in the InputMethodEvent, it will be combined with the committed text in the CommittedTextContainer, and the combined (composite) text will be displayed on the canvas.

: Composed text and committed text

Composed text - The possible text which can be converted from input alphabetic characters by the input method (Kana-kanji converter).
Committed text - The determinate text which was converted from input alphabetic characters.

Figure 1 The procedure of inputting text

1.3 Setting a font styles to the input text and the Font menu on the toolbar
Case Description
Setting a font styles to the input text A text is input to the selected text box in the following ways.

(1) Typing text at keyboard

Handling methods:TextBox.keyTyped -> TextBox.insertText

(2) Converting text by a kana-kanji converter

Handling methods:TextBox.inputMethodTextChanged -> TextBox.insertText -> FontStyle.setTo

(3)Copy&Paste between two text boxes in this application

Copy text from a text box and paste it into the selected text box.
Handling methods:Edit.paste -> Edit.pasteAttributedString -> TextBox.insertText -> FontStyle.setTo

(4)Copy&Paste between this application and other applications
Copy text from other applications (MicroSoft Word etc.) and past it into the selected text box of this application.

Handling methods:Edit.paste -> Edit.pasteString -> TextBox.insertText -> FontStyle.setTo

Setting a font styles to the font menu Font menu

The timing when the font style is set to the Font menu.

(1)When the mouse is clicked inside the text box.

Sets the font style of the character just before the clicked point to the font menu.

(a)If the text box is uneditable

Handling methods:SelectionLS.mouseClicked -> SelectionLS.execSelection -> FontStyle.setFontStyleToMenu

(b)If the text box is editable

Handling methods:TextBox.mouseClicked -> TextBox.setTextSelection -> FontStyle.setFontStyleToMenu

: The mouse listeners of the SelectionLS have been temporarily disabled.

(2)When the mouse is dragged inside the active text box to select a string.

If the selected string has common font styles to each character, those font styles are set to the font menu.
Handling methods: TextBox.mouseDragged -> TextBox.setTextSelection -> FontStyle.setFontStyleToMenu

(3)Move the cursor by Up, Dn(Down), Left or Right key

The text cursor(caret) can be moved in the active text box by pressing Up, Dn(Down), Left or Right key.
Handling methods:TextBox.keyPressed -> FontStyle.setFontStyleToMenu

: Active text box

The text box is active if a green frame is displayed inside the text box. In this case, "active" means editable, so you can input a text and edit it. Only one text box can be active at the same time. You can avtivate the text box by clicking inside the text box.

2. Class TextBox return=>page top
public class TextBox implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener

Field Description
shapeContainer ShapeContainer shapeContainer
The ShapeContainer linking to this text box.
textArea public Rectangle2D textArea
The rectangle which stores the text in this object.
∙ Setting a textArea

The ShapeContainer.addTextBox method calls the ShapeElement.createTextArea abstract method to get a textArea and the addTextBox method sets the textArea to the TextBox.
Here, the texArea is the rectangle which inscribes in the outline curve (Curve2D) of the ShapeContainer object to which this object belongs.

∙ Moving or resizing the textArea

The ShapeElement.moveResize method calls the TextBox.resizeTextArea method and it moves or resizes the textArea.

textBoxInsets public Insets textBoxInsets
The inner margin of the text box. Default margin is top=bottom=left=right=2.
textAlign public int textAlign
The text align. Left align: 0. Center Align; 1, Right align: 2.
lineSpace public int lineSpace
The line space. Default line space is 0.
currentFontStyle private FontStyle currentFontStyle
The FontStyle object of the input text.
The FontStyle.setTo method sets the font style to the text.
committedTextContainer private CommittedTextContainer committedTextContainer
The CommittedTextContainer object which stores the committed text.
composedTextIterator private AttributedCharacterIterator composedTextIterator
The uncommitted text (composed text). For a Japanese text, the uncommitted text is a candidate before the Kana-kanji converter commits.
lineBreaker private LineBreaker lineBreaker
The LineBreaker object which breaks a attributed string into lines that fit within the text area (textArea).
validTextLayout private boolean validTextLayout
True if it is necessary to recreate a new object of the LineBreaker. In other words, this field is true, when characters were added to the committed text, characters were deleted from the committed text or an attribute of the committed text was changed.
caretPosition public CaretPosition caretPosition
The CaretPosition object representing the current caret position (text cursor).
See=> CaretPosition
selStart private CaretPosition selStart
The start caret position of a selected text.
selEnd private CaretPosition selEnd
The end caret position of a selected text.
dragStart private CaretPosition dragStart
The start caret position of the mouse dragging.
This field is set by the mousePressed method.
dragEnd private CaretPosition dragEnd
The current or the end caret position of the mouse dragging.
This field is set by the mouseDragged and mouseReleased methods.
mousePositionInfo MousePositionInfo mousePositionInfo
Sets the MousePositionInfo object which mouse position code is TEXTBOX_BOUNDARY. This field is referred in the mousePressed method. This field is referred for moving the text box boundary.
See=> User's Guidemove text box boundary
modified boolean modified
If the boundary edge of the text box is moved, sets true to this field. This field is referred in the mousePressed and mouseReleaed methods.
oldPoint Point2D oldPoint
Sets the mouse position to this field. This field is referred for moving the text box boundary.
newPoint Point2D newPoint
Sets the mouse position to this field. This field is referred for moving the text box boundary.
connectionUtil ConnectionUtil connectionUtil
If connectors connect to this shape, set the ConnectionUtil object to this field. This field is referred for moving the text box boundary.
UndoSetupDeleteText private TextUndoSetup.DeleteText UndoSetupDeleteText
The TextUndoSetup.DeleteText object.
UndoSetupInsertText private TextUndoSetup.InsertText UndoSetupInsertText
The TextUndoSetup.InsertText object.
KEY_BOARD final public static int KEY_BOARD=0
This constant is used for a parameter passed to the deleteSelectedText method and the insertText method.
The keyTyped method specifies this constant.
final public static int INPUTMETHOD_TEXTCHANGED=1
This constant is used for a parameter passed to the deleteSelectedText method and the insertText method.
The inputMethodTextChanged method specifies this constant.
COMMAND final public static int COMMAND=3
This constant is used for a parameter passed to the deleteSelectedText method and the insertText method.
The methods of the Edit class specifies this constant..
UNDO_REDO final public static int UNDO_REDO=4
This constant is used for a parameter passed to the deleteSelectedText method and the insertText method.
The methods of the UndoableDrawEdit class calls the deleteSelectedText method and the insertText method.

Method Description
Constructor public TextBox ()
Calls requestFocus method of the ListenerPanel.
getShapeContainer public ShapeContainer getShapeContainer()
Returns the shapeContainer field.
setShapeContainer public void setShapeContainer(ShapeContainer container)
Sets the parameter to the shapeContainer field.
activateMouseListener public void activateMouseListener(boolean activate)
activate - If true, then this method makes this text box editable, otherwise uneditable.
This method is called from the makeTextBoxEditable method.
∙ If the activate is true, then performs the following.

Registers this object (TextBox) to the ListenerPanel as a MouseListener and MouseMotionListener,

∙ If the activate is false, then performs the following.

Removes this object from the ListenerPanel.

isEditable public boolean isEditable
If this text box is editable, returns true.
getBoundingBox public Rectangle2D getBoundingBox()
Returns the bounding box of this text box.
getTextArea public Rectangle2D getTextArea()
Returns the textArea field.
setTextArea public void setTextArea(Rectangle2D textArea)
Sets the parameter to the textArea field.
getMarginlessTextArea public Rectangle2D getMarginlessTextArea()
Returns the rectangle area which is gotten by subtracting the textBoxInsets from the textArea.
getTextLayoutArea public Rectangle2D getTextLayoutArea()
Gets the array of the bounding rectangles covering text lines by the LineBreaker.getBounds method and returns the maximum rectangle which covers all the bounding rectangles.
public CommittedTextContainer getCommittedTextContainer()
Returns the committedTextContainer.
isCommittedText public boolean isCommittedText()
If the committed text isn't null, returns true.
getTextLocation public Rectangle getTextLocation()
This method is called from the ListenerPanel.getTextLocation method.
Returns the returned value of the LineBreaker.getCaretRectangle method.
: The ListenerPanel.getTextLocation method is defined by the InputMethodRequests interface.
resizeTextArea public void resizeTextArea(Rectangle2D oldBox, Rectangle2D newBox)
This method is called by the ShapeElement.moveResize method and it calls the setTextArea method.
getTextBoxInsets public Insets getTextBoxInsets()
Returns the textBoxInsets field.
setTextBoxInsets public void setTextBoxInsets(Insets insets)
Sets the parameter to the textBoxInsets field.
getTextLineSpace public int getTextLineSpace()
Returns the lineSpace field.
setTextLineSpace public void setTextLineSpace(double lineSpace)
Sets the parameter to the lineSpace field.
getTextAlign public int getTextAlign()
Returns the textAlign field.
public void setTextAlign(int textAlign)
Sets the parameter to the textAlign field.
setTextBoxLayout public void setTextBoxLayout(Insets textBoxInsets, int textAlign, double lineSpace)
Sets the parameters to the textBoxInsets, lineSpace and textAlign fields.
setFontStyle public void setFontStyle(FontStyle newFontStyle)
This method is called by the ExecCommandUtil.setFontStyle method and sets the parameter to the committed text in the CommittedTextContainer.
If the selected text exists, then this method sets the parameter to the selected text, otherwise sets the parameter to all the committed text.
getFontColors public Color[] getFontColors()
This method is called from the ShapeContainer.getColors method.
Returns all the colors as as the array which is used in the CommittedTextContainer objects.
public Rectangle2D getRealTextArea()
Returns the rectangle which is made from the textArea excluding the area of the textBoxInsets.
getSerializableTextBox public SerializableTextBox getSerializableTextBox()
Returns the SerializableTextBox object.
This method is called from the UndoableDrawEdit.ChangeTextBox.
setSerializableTextBox public void setSerializableTextBox(SerializableTextBox data)
data - The SerializableTextBox object.
Sets the contents of the data to this text box.
This method is called from the UndoableDrawEdit.ChangeTextBox.
toString public String toString()
Returns the string representing this object.
setValidTextLayout private void setValidTextLayout(boolean valid)
Set the parameter to the validTextLayout field.
keyTyped public void keyTyped(char keyChar)
keyChar - The input character.
This method is called by the ListenerPanel.keyTyped method.
∙ Calls the deleteSelectedText method to delete the selected text.
∙ Creates a new object of the AttributedString using the keyChar.
AttributedString attribChar=new AttributedString(String.valueOf(keyChar));
∙ Inserts the insertChar to the CommittedTextContainer.
this.insertText(TextBox.KEY_BOARD, insertionIndex, attribChar.getIterator());
∙ this.setValidTextLayout(false);
keyPressed public void keyTyped(int keyCode)
keyCode - The input character code.
This method is called by the ListenerPanel.keyPressed method to move the text cursor (caret).
∙ If the keyCode equals KeyEvent.VK_LEFT or KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT, the performs the following.
Calls the CaretPosition.columnOffset method to move the text cursor to leftward or rightward.
∙ If the keyCode equals KeyEvent.VK_UP or KeyEvent.VK_DOWN, the performs the following.
Calls the CaretPosition.lineOffset method to move the text cursor to upward or downward.
See=> ListenerPanel Key code in the KeyEvent
inputMethodTextChanged public void inputMethodTextChanged(InputMethodEvent event)
This is the method defined by the InputMethodListener of the InputMethod Frame Work.
This method receives the InputMethodEvent from the ListenerPanel.inputMethodTextChanged method.
∙ If this method received the committed text via the event, calls the insertText method.
∙ If this method received the uncommitted text (composed text) via the event, performs the following.

Calls the deleteSelectedText method to delete the selected text.
Sets the attribute of TextAttribute.INPUT_METHOD_HIGHLIGHT and the currentFontStyle to the composed text and sets it to the field of the composedTextIterator.

: The composedTextIterator is merged to the committed text and displayed by the getDisplayText method.
See=> Figure 1. The procedure of inputting text
printInputMethodStatus private void printInputMethodStatus(InputMethodEvent event)
Prints the state of the inputMethodTextChanged method for debugging.
insertText public void insertText(int method, int position, AttributedCharacterIterator attribStr)
position - The text insertion position.
attribStr - The text to be inserted.

∙ Gets the committedText from the CommittedTextContainer.

AttributedString committedText=this.committedTextContainer.getAttributedString();

∙ Gets the FontStyle from the attributed character which is located ahead of the specified position in the committedText.

AttributedCharacterIterator iterator=committedText.getIterator();
FontStyle fontStyleAt=FontStyle.getFontStyleAt(iterator, position);
if(!FontStyle.isDefaultFontStyle(fontStyleAt)) fontStyle=fontStyleAt;

∙ Sets the fontStyle to the attribStr.

insertStr = fontStyle.setTo(attribStr, 0, attribStr.getEndIndex());

(b) method ==TextBox.COMMAND
∙ Checks whether a FontStyle object is set to the attribStr or not.

boolean isFontStyle=FontStyle.isFontStyle(attribStr, attribStr.getBeginIndex(), attribStr.getEndIndex())

∙ If not, gets the FontStyle from the attributed character which is located ahead of the specified position in the committedText and sets it to the attribStr.

(c) Post process of the above (a) and (b)
∙ Inserts the insertStr to the the CommittedTextContainer by the CommittedTextContainer.insertText method.

this.committedTextContainer.insertText(insertionIndex, insertStr)

∙ Gets the string (AttributedCharacterIterator) from the CommittedTextContainer by the getDisplayText method and recreates the LineBreaker object to breaks the string into lines.
∙ Updates the text cursor (caret) position by the CaretPosition.updateCaretPosition method.
∙ Undo setup: if the parameter of the method doesn't equal UNDO_REDO, then sets the undo setup by using the TextUndoSetup.InsertText object.

: All the text inputting operation uses this method because of the undo setup.
deleteSelectedText private void deleteSelectedText(int method)
Gets the start and end position of the selected text from the selStart, selEnd fields and calls the deleteText method.
deleteText public void deleteText(int method, int start, int end)
start - The start position of the text to be deleted.
end - The end position of the text to be deleted.
∙ Deleting the text: deletes the text between the start and end by the deleteText of the CommittedTextContainer.
∙ The cursor position: updates the text cursor (caret) position by the updateCaretPosition method of the LineBreaker.
∙ The selected text: clears the selected text by calling the resetSelection method.
∙ Undo setup: if the parameter of the method doesn't equal UNDO_REDO, then sets the undo setup by using the TextUndoSetup.DeleteText object.
: All the text deleting operation uses this method because of the undo setup.
public int deleteTextByDelCommandOrBSkey(int method)
Returns the number of the deleted characters.
This method is called by the delete of the Edit.
∙ Deletes the selected text by the del command or Back space key.

Gets the start position and end position of the selected text by the getSelectedTextStart and getSelectedTextEnd method and calls the deleteText method.

∙ Deletes one character before the text cursor by Back space key.

Gets the text cursor position by the CaretPosition.getTextIndex, sets the start position and end position and calls the deleteText method.

replaceText public void replaceText(int method, AttributedString attribStr)
This method is called by the undo and redo methods of the UndoableEdit.ChangeText.
This method replaces the committed text in the CommittedTextContainer with the parameter of attribStr by calling setCommittedText of the CommittedTextContainer.
getComposedText public AttributedCharacterIterator getComposedText()
Returns the committedTextIterator.
getDisplayText public AttributedCharacterIterator getDisplayText()
Returns the text to be displayed on the canvas.
If the composed text doesn't exist (composedTextIterator ==null), then returns the committed text in the CommittedTextContainer.
If the composed text exists, then creates the composite text by calling the getDisplayText method of the CommittedTextContainer and returns the composite text.
: The composition of the committed text and uncommitted text is done by the createCompositeText of the AttributedStringUtil.
drawTextBox public void drawTextBox(Graphics g)
This method is the main method of drawing the text box and called by the drawShape of the ShapeContainer. This method calls the following methods.
drawTextArea - Draws the frame of the text box.
drawText - Draws the committed text and the composed text.
drawCaret - Draws the text cursor (caret).
drawTextSelection - Draws the highlight over the selected text.
drawTextArea public void drawTextArea(Graphics g)
If the text box is editable, the draw the frame with green, otherwise with light gray.
drawText public void drawText(Graphics g)
Draws the text inside the text box.

∙ If the validTextLayout is false, then calls the LineBreaker object and recreates the text layout.

Updates the selStart, selEnd and caretPosition fields by the CaretPosition.updateCaretPosition method.

∙ Gets the array of the TextLayout objects by the LineBreaker.getTextLayouts.

Each TextLayout object provides the graphical representation of an attributed string (AttributedCharacterIterator) which corresponds to each line.

∙ Gets the array of the TextLayout positions by the LineBreaker.getTextLayoutPositions method.

∙ Draws the TextLayout objects by the draw method of the TextLayout.

textLayouts[i].draw(g2, (float)positions[i].getX(), (float)positions[i].getY())
See => LineBreaker

∙ If DrawParameters.DRAW_TEXTLAYOUT is true, draw java.awt.font.TextLayout bounds.

Normal displaydraw TextLayout bounds

drawCaret public void drawCaret(Graphics g, int offset)
offset - The offset from the current text cursor (caret) position. The offset amount is the number of characters in uncommitted text.
Draws the text cursor (caret) at the offset position from the current text cursor (caret) position.
Gets the rectangle representing the caret shape by calling the LineBreaker.getCaretRectangle with the offset and draw the rectangle on the canvas.
drawTextSelection public void drawTextSelection(Graphics g)
Draws the highlight over the selected text. The highlight should be drawn on the multiple lines, because the selected text exists over multiple lines.
∙ Gets the start line index (startLine) and the last line index (endLine) of the highlight by the CaretPosition.getLineIndex method. And gets the positions (startColumnIndex and endColumnIndex) of the highlight in the start line and the last line by the CaretPosition.getColumnIndex method.
∙ Gets the array of the TextLayout objects by the LineBreaker.getTextLayouts method.

Gets the highlight shape as follow:
Shape highlight=textLayouts[i].getLogicalHighlightShape(start, end);
If i==startLine, then start=startColumnIndex .
If i==endLine, then end=endColumnIndex .
If startLine< i<endLine, then start=0 and end=(the number of the characters in the textLayouts[i]).

∙ Draws the highlight.

if(highlight!=null) g2.fill(highlight);

∙ Draws the TextLayout objects by the draw method of the TextLayout.

textLayouts[i].draw(g2, (float)positions[i].getX(), (float)positions[i].getY());
This statement is to redraw the selected text because the selected text is overwritten by the highlight shape.

getTextIndex public int gettextIndex()
Returns the caret (text cursor) position in the committed text.
hasSelectedText public boolean hasSelectedText()
Returns true if the selected text is exists.
This method is called from the Edit object, DialogOfShapeFormat object and so on.
getSelectedTextStart public int getSelectedTextStart()
Returns the start position of the selected text.
getSelectedTextEnd public int getSelectedTextEnd()
Returns the end position of the selected text.
getSelectedText public AttributedString getSelectedText()
Returns the selected text.
mousePressed public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
In the mousePressed, mouseDragged and mouseReleased methods, two operations are performed. The first operation is moving the text box boundary (User's Guide move text box boundary). The second operation is selecting text by dragging the mouse (User's Guide selecting text).

(1)moving the text box boundary
∙ Gets the current MousePositionInfo objects by MousePositionLS.getAllMousePositionInfo.

If the mouse position code of a MousePositionInfo object is TEXTBOX_BOUNDARY, then sets the MousePositionInfo object to the mousePositionInfo field.

∙ If the mousePositionInfo isn't null, performs the following.

・Set true to the modified field.
・Creates a ConnectionUtil object and calls the ConnectionUtil.setTargets method.
・Calls the ContainerManager.undoSetupStart method.

(2)selecting text

If the uncommitted text exists (composedTextIterator!=null), then outputs the warning message, otherwise gets the text cursor (caret) position by the getCaretPositionAtMouse method and sets the position to the dragStart.

mouseDragged public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)

(1)moving the text box boundary ∙ Gets the boundary edge of this text box by the MousePositionInfo.getInformation method and moves the edge by setting a new rectangle to the textArea field.
∙ If the boundary edge is moved largely, resizes the shape element containing this text box by the ShapeElement.moveResize method.

If connectors are connected to the shape element, changes the connectors by the ConnectionUtil.resizeConnectors.

(2)selecting text ∙ If the uncommitted text exists (composedTextIterator!=null), this method returns.
∙ Gets the text cursor (caret) position by the getCaretPositionAtMouse method and calls the setTextSelection method to specifies the interval of the selected text.
mouseReleased public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
(1)moving the text box boundary

If the modified field is true, set the changed code (UndoConstants.CONTAINER) to the ShapeContainer and calls the ContainerManager.undoSetupEnd method.

(2)selecting text ∙ Gets the text cursor (caret) position by the getCaretPositionAtMouse method and calls the setTextSelection method to specifies the interval of the selected text.
mouseClicked public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
∙ Gets the text cursor (caret) position by the getCaretPositionAtMouse method and calls the setTextSelection method to specifies the caret position.
mouseEntered public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
⋅ Nothing is done.
mouseExited public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
⋅ Nothing is done.
mouseMoved public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
⋅ Nothing is done.
getCaretPositionAtMouse public CaretPosition getCaretPositionAtMouse(double X, double Y)
X,Y - The mouse position.
The text cursor (caret) position which corresponds to (X,Y).
∙ Calls the getTextLayouts, getTextLayoutPositions and getBounds methods of the LineBreaker.

TextLayout[] textLayouts=this.lineBreaker.getTextLayouts();
Point2D[] positions=this.lineBreaker.getTextLayoutPositions();
Rectangle2D[] bounds=this.lineBreaker.getBounds();

∙ Finds of an element of the bounds which contains (X,Y) point.

Let's the index of the element as the lineIndex.

∙ Gets the TextHitInfo object (hitInfo) by the java.awt.font.TextHitInfo method and the text cursor (caret) position (positionInTextLayout) in the textLayouts[lineIndex].

TextHitInfo hitInfo=textLayouts[lineIndex].hitTestChar(clickX, clickY);
int positionInTextLayout=hitInfo.getInsertionIndex();

∙ Gets the CaretPosition from the lineIndex and positionInTextLayout by using the LineBreaker.getCaretPosition.

CaretPosition caretP= this.lineBreaker.getCaretPosition (lineIndex, positionInTextLayout);

setTextSelection public void setTextSelection(CaretPosition caretPos1, CaretPosition caretPos2, int ctrl)
caretPos1 - The first caret position for selecting text.
caretPos2 - The second caret position for selecting text. If the mouse was clicked, then the caretPos2
is null.
ctrl - The ctrl is 1/2, if the mouse was clicked with holding down Shift/Ctrl key.
∙ If the mouse was clicked (caretPos2=null) and ctrl equals 0, then sets caretPos1 to the caretPosition.

this.caretPosition = CaretPosition.getCaretPosition(mouseP1.getLineIndex(), mouseP1.getColumnIndex(), true, this.lineBreaker, "setTextSelection"); 

∙ If the mouse was clicked (caretPos2=null) and ctrl equals 1/2, then select the text between the caretPosition. and caretPos1.
∙ If the mouse was dragged in the reverse direction, then performs the following.

If the mouse was dragged in the reverse direction such as from right to left in the same line or from lower line to upper line, then exchanges the caretPos1 and the caretPos2.

∙ If the position of the caretPos1 equals to the position of the caretPos2, then performs the following.

In this case, the mouse dragging wasn't done substantially, so sets the caretPos1 to the caretPosition field (current caret position).

∙ Calls the FontStyle.setFontStyleToMenu method to reflect the attributes (font family, font size, bold, italic and so on) of the selected or clicked text on the appearance of the menu components on the tool bar.
displayMousePosition private void displayMousePosition(String mouseAction, double X, double Y)
Displays the mouse position, caret position and the position of the selected text to the lower line of the status panel at the bottom of the window.
contain private int contain(int iX, int iY)
Returns 1, if the point (iX,iY) is in the real text area given by the getRealTextArea method.
resetCaret public void resetCaret()
Sets (new CaretPosition(0, 0, 0, true))object to the field of the caretPosition.
resetSelection public void resetSelection()
Resets the selected text.
this.selStart=new CaretPosition(-1,-1);
this.selEnd=new CaretPosition(-1,-1);
clone public Object clone()
Returns the clone of this object.

3. Class TextUndoSetup return=>page top

If the undo and redo setting is done for each character, it will be uneconomical. Therefore, if multiple characters are inserted or deleted without a break, the undo and redo setting should be done for the block of the characters.
This object provides a convenient way to the undo and redo setting which can handles the block of the characters. The methods of this class are called only by theinsertText method and deleteText methods of the TextBox.
See=> The undo setup for each command

3.1 Nested class TextUndoSetup.InsertText return=>page top

This nested class is constructed based on the UndoableDrawEdit.InsertText class. If a new character is inserted after the previous one without a break, then the character will be added to the UndoableDrawEdit.InsertText object which was created when the first character was inserted. If a new characters is inserted after some kind of a break or inserted to a different text box, a new UndoableDrawEdit.InsertText object will be created and the new character will be added to the new object.

Field Description
private UndoDrawManager undoDrawManager
The UndoDrawManager object.
InsertText UndoableDrawEdit.InsertText InsertText
The UndoableDrawEdit.InsertText object.

Method Description
setInsertedText public void setInsertedText(ShapeContainer shapeContainer, AttributedString insString, int start, int end, boolean delimit)
shapeContainer - The shape object having a text box.
insString - The inserted string.
start - The start position of the inserted string.
end - The end position of the inserted string.
delmit - After inserting the insString, no string can be inserted to the current UndoableDrawEdit.InsertText object.
Sets the undo and redo for the inserted string. This method checks whether the undo and redo setting for the inserted string can be added to the InsertText object or not. If yes, then the undo and redo setting will be added to the InsertText object.
initialSet private void initialSet(ShapeContainer shapeContainer, AttributedString insString, int start)
Same as the setInsertedText method.
If the undo and redo setting for the inserted string can't be added to the InsertText object, then this method performs the followings:
∙ Creates a new object of the UndoableDrawEdit.InsertText and sets it to the InsertText field.
∙ Adds the InsertText object to the undoDrawManager by the addEdit method of the UndoDrawManager.

3.2 Nested class TextUndoSetup.DeleteText return=>page top

This nested class is constructed based on the UndoableDrawEdit.DeleteText class. The idea of this class is same as the nested class InsertText.

Field Description
undoDrawManager private UndoDrawManager undoDrawManager
The UndoDrawManager object.
DeleteText UndoableDrawEdit.DeleteText DeleteText
The UndoableDrawEdit.DeleteText object.
Method Description
setDeletedText public void setDeletedText(ShapeContainer shapeContainer, AttributedString delString, int start, int end)
shapeContainer - The shape object having a text box.
delString - The deleted string.
start - The start position of the deleted string.
end - The end position of the deleted string.
Sets the undo and redo for the deleted string. This method checks whether the undo and redo setting for the deleted string can be added to the DeletedText object or not. If yes, then the undo and redo setting will be added to the DeletedText object.
private void initialSet(ShapeContainer shapeContainer, AttributedString delString, int start)
Same as the setDeletedText method.
If the undo and redo setting for the deleted string can't be added to the DeletedText object, then this method performs the followings:
∙ Creates a new object of the UndoableDrawEdit.DeleteText and sets it to the DeletedText field.
∙ Adds the DeletedText object to the undoDrawManager by the addEdit method of the UndoDrawManager.

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