Java Drawing DrawTop




Transforming Shapes

 H. Jyounishi, Tokyo Japan

Frame (Index), No frame                 version:0.3(latest)  

Summary: This page describes the operations of translating, rotating and flipping shapes.
Classes on this page: Translate, TranslateAction, Rotate, RotateAction, RotateSpinnerListener, Flip, FlipAction

1. Translating return=>page top
∙ Shapes to be translated must be selected before opening the dialog.

If the shapes are not selected, then an error message will be displayed on the top of the dialog (Figure 1.1).

∙ Specify the (x,y) components of the translation by the spinners or clicking on the canvas.

The unit of length for the (x,y) components can be selected by "mm" (millimeter) button or "pixel" button.
If the "click two points" check box is selected, then the (x,y) components can be specified by the difference of two points as Figure 1.2 or 1.3.

∙ If the "copy yes" button is selected, then the original shape remains after translated.
∙ Click on the "GO" button, then the selected shapes will be translated.

The "GO" button can be clicked repeatedly.

Translating repeatedly with copy

Figure 1.1 Dialog

Select the "click two points" box, then the (x,y) components of the translation can be specified by clicking on the canvas or shapes. Figure 1.2 shows the case that two points are clicked on the canvas and Figure 1.3 shows the case that two point are clicked on a shape.
See=> ConnectionLS Overview

Select "click two point" checkbox and click two points (p1, p2) on the canvas.
Then p1 and p2 are displayed as red marks and the translateion amount is shown in the "translate x,y" spinners.

Click on the "GO" button, then the selected shape will be copied and translated.
Figure 1.2 Clicking two points on the canvas

Select "click two point" checkbox and move the mouse to the endpoints of the arrow line, then the mark will be displayed. Click the mouse at the both end points, then the p1 and p2 give the translation vector. It is displayed in the "translate x,y" spinners.

Click the "GO" button, then the selected round rectangle can be translated according to the numerics in the "translate x,y" spinners.
Figure 1.3 Clicking two points on a shape.
(Clicking two points on different two shapes is allowed)
; マーク=> User's Guide Selecting a point on a shape

1.1 Class Translate
public class Translate extends JDialog implements SelectionListener, ConnectionListener
Field Description
action TranslateAction action
The TranslateAction object.
messageLabel JLabel messageLabel
Sets the label object on which the showMessage methods displays a message.
pixelButton JRadioButton pixelButton
The button to specify the unit of length by pixels.
mmButton JRadioButton mmButton
The button to specify the unit of length by millimeters.
translateSpinners JSpinner[] translateSpinners
The JSpinner objects in which the (x,y) components of the translation are specified.
translateSpinnerModels SpinnerNumberModel[] translateSpinnerModels
The SpinnerNumberModel objects with which the (x, y) components of the translation are specified.
checkBox JCheckBoxJCheckBox checkBox
The check box object of "click two points" (Figure 1.1)
copyButton JRadioButton copyButton
The button object of "copy yes/no".
goButton JButton goButton
The button object of "GO"
cancelButton JButton cancelButton
The button object of "Cancel"
shapesVector Vector shapesVector
Stores selected shapes.
translateVec Vector2D translateVec
The vector representing (x,y) components of the translation.
twoPointsVector Vector twoPointsVector
Stores the clicked two points.

Method Description
Constructor Calls the following method.

super(ObjectTable.getDrawMain(), "translate");
this.action=new TranslateAction(this);

createDialog public void createDialog()
∙ Adds the WindowListener (TranslateAction) to the dialog.

Before the window is closed, the windowClosing method calls the closeDialog method.

∙ Adds the components to the dialog.

Upper row: the message label.
Middle row: The spinners of x, y, "click two points" check box and "copy yes/no" button.
Lower row: The panel of the "Go" and "Cancel buttons.

∙ Add the ActionListener of the TranslatetAction to the "GO" and "Cancel" buttons.
showDialog public void showDialog(int commandId)
∙ Sets the dialog position at the right upper of the window.
∙ Shows the dialog by the setVisible method.
∙ This method saves the selected shapes to the shapesVector.
selected public void selected(SelectionEvent event)
This method is defined by SelectionListener.
This method isn't used in the current version.
event - SelectionEvent object.
If a shape is selected by the mouse click in the SelectionLS, then this method is called from the SelectionLS.
Saves the selected shape to the shapesVector.
public void addConnectionListener()

Registers this object to the ConnectionLS by the ConnectionLS.addConnectionListener method.

public void removeConnectionListener()

Removes this object from the ConnectionLS by the ConnectionLS.removeConnectionListener method.

connected public void connected(ConnectionEvent event)
This method is defined by ConnectionListener.
event - The ConnectionEventobject.
Adds the point of the curvePT given from the event to the twoPointsVector. If the size of the twoPointsVector equals 2, then sets the difference of the second point and the first point in the twoPointsVector to the translateVec
drawMark public void drawMark(Point2D point, String message)
Draws a mark and the string(message) at the specified point such as p1 and p2 in Figure 1.2, 1.3.
showMessage protected void showMessage(String message, Color color)
Shows the message to the messageLabel.
public void setValuesToTranslateSpinners()
Sets the value of the translateVec to the translateSpinners.
getSelectedContainers public ShapeContainer[] getSelectedContainers()
Returns the selected shape saved in the shapesVector.
getTranslateSpinners public JSpinner[] getTranslateSpinners()
Returns the x,y spinners.
getTranslateSpinnerModels public SpinnerNumberModel[] getTranslateSpinnerModels()
Returns the x,y spinner models.
getCopyButton public JRadioButton getCopyButton()
Returns the copy button.
getShapesVector public Vector getShapesVector()
Returns the shapesVector.

1.2 Class TranslateAction return=>page top
class TranslateAction extends AbstractAction implements WindowListener

This class performs the action processing of the buttons and the check box (Figure 1.1).

Field Description
dialog Translate dialog
Sets the Translate object.

Method Description
actionPerformed public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
Executes the action processing of the clicked button.
∙"click two points" check box

If the check box is selected, then calls the addConnectionListener method, otherwise calls the removeConnectionListener method.

∙ "pixel" or "mm" button

Calls the setValuesToTranslateSpinners method.

∙ "GO" button

Calls the translateContainer method to translate the selected shapes one by one.
Calls the ContainerManager.undoSetupStart method before translating and calls the ContainerManager.undoSetupEnd method after translating.
=> The undo support function of the ContainerManager.

∙ "Cancel" button

Calls the closeDialog method.

translateContainer private ShapeContainer translateContainer(ShapeContainer container, boolean copy)
container - The selected shape to be translated
copy - If true, then this method remains the selected original shape.
If the copy is true, then this method creates a clone of the selected shape.
To translate the selected shape or its clone, calls the ShapeElement.moveResize method.
closeDialog private void closeDialog()
Closes the dialog by calling setVisible(false).
Calls the SelectionLS.resetReceiver method.
windowClosing public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
Calls the closeDialog method.

1.3 Class TranslateSpinnerListener    return=>page top
class TranslateSpinnerListener implements ChangeListenerr
dialog Translate dialog
Sets the Translate object.




public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e)

Gets the (x,y) components of the translation from the translateSpinners (translateSpinnerModels) and sets them to the translateVec.

2. Rotating return=>page top
To create accurate repeated shapes, the amount of the rotation is specified by the numerical value (degree).

Specifies the rotation center and the rotation angle in the dialog and click "GO" button, then the rotation will be executed.

∙ Shapes to be rotated must be selected before opening the dialog.

If the shapes are not selected, then an error message will be displayed on the top of the dialog(Figure 2.1).

If shapes are selected, the "rotation center" will be displayed at the center position of the selected shapes as the figure below. The "rotation center" can be changed by using the x, y spinners, or clicking on the canvas or a shape (Figure 2.2).

One selected shape
Two selected shapes

∙ If the "copy yes" button is selected, then the original shape remains after rotated.
∙ The "GO" button can be clicked repeatedly.

: The shape object with a text box can't be rotated.

Rotating repeatedly with copy

Figure 2.1

Check the "click the rotation center" box, then the "rotation center" can be specified by clicking on the canvas or a shape.
Figure 1.2 shows the case that "rotation center" is specified by clicking on a shape.
See=> ConnectionLS Overview, also see Figure 1.2, 1.3


Check "click the rotation center" box and click on a shape.


Click on the "GO" button, then the selected shape will be copied and rotated.

Figure 2.2 Clicking two points on the canvas.

2.1 Class Rotate
public class Rotate
Field Description

RotateAction action

Sets the RotateAction object.

JLabel messageLabel

Sets the label object on which the showMessage methods displays a message.

pixelButton JRadioButton pixelButton
The button to specify the unit of length by pixels.
mmButton JRadioButton mmButton
The button to specify the unit of length by millimeters.
positionSpinners JSpinner[] positionSpinners
The JSpinner object by which the x, y of the rotation center are specified.
positionSpinnermodels SpinnerNumberModel[] positionSpinnermodels
The SpinnerNumberModel object fo the positionSpinners.
checkBox JCheckBoxJCheckBox checkBox
The check box object of "click the rotation center" (Figure 2.1)
angleSpinner JSpinner angleSpinner
The JSpinner object in which the rotation angles is specified.
angleSpinnerModel SpinnerNumberModel angleSpinnerModel
The SpinnerNumberModel for the angleSpinner.
copyButton JRadioButton copyButton: The button object of "copy yes/no".
goButton JButton goButton:The button object of "Go"
cancelButton JButton cancelButton:The button object of "Cancel"
shapesVector Vector shapesVector
Stores the selected shapes.
rotationCenterP Point2D rotationCenterP
Stores the rotation center point.



Constructor Calls the following method.

super(ObjectTable.getDrawMain(), "rotate");
this.action=new RotateAction(this);

createDialog public void createDialog()
∙ Sets the dialog position at the left upper of the window.
∙ Adds the WindowListener to the dialog.

Before the window is closed, the windowClosing method calls the closeDialog method.

∙ Adds the components to the dialog.

Upper row: The message label.
Middle row: The spinners of the x, y of the rotation center, the spinner of the rotation angle and "copy yes/no" button.
Lower row: The panel of the "GO" and "Cancel" buttons.
∙ Add the ChangeListener of the RotateSpinnerListener to the positionSpinners[0] and positionSpinners[1].

When the rotation center is specified in the positionSpinners, then the RotateSpinnerListener.stateChanged method displays the rotation center on the canvas.

∙ Add the ActionListener of the RotatetAction to the "GO" and "Cancel" buttons.
showDialog public void showDialog(int commandId)
∙ Shows the dialog by setVisible method.
∙ This method saves the selected shapes to the shapesVector.
isSuitable private boolean isSuitable(ShapeContainer container)
Returns true if the selected shape of the container hasn't a text box.
selected public void selected(SelectionEvent event)
This method is defined by SelectionListener.
This method isn't used in the current version.
event - SelectionEvent object.
If a shape is selected by the mouse click in the SelectionLS, then this method is called from the SelectionLS.
Saves the selected shape to the shapesVector.
public void addConnectionListener()
Registers this object to the ConnectionLS by the ConnectionLS.addConnectionListener method.
public void removeConnectionListener()
Removes this object from the ConnectionLS by the ConnectionLS.removeConnectionListener method.
connected public void connected(ConnectionEvent event)
This method is defined by ConnectionListener.
event - The ConnectionEvent object.
showMessage protected void showMessage(String message, Color color)
Shows the message to the messageLabel.
getSelectedContainers public ShapeContainer[] getSelectedContainers()
Returns the selected shape saved in the .
setRotationCenter public void setRotationCenter()
Calculates the rotation center of the selected shapes and sets it to the positionSpinners by the setValuesToPositionSpinners method. Then this method displays the rotation center on the canvas by the DrawShapeUtil.drawTempShape method.
If the rotation center is typed into the positionSpinners, then the RotateSpinnerListener.stateChanged method displayes it on the canvas.
public void setValuesToTPositionSpinners()
Sets the value of the rotationCenterP to the positionSpinners.
getPositionSpinners public JSpinner[] getPositionSpinners()
Returns the positionSpinners.
public SpinnerNumberModel[] getPositionSpinnerModels()
Returns the positionSpinnerModels..
getAngleSpinner public JSpinner getAngleSpinner()
Returns the angleSpinner.
getAngleSpinnerModel public SpinnerNumberModel getAngleSpinnerModel()
Returns the angleSpinnerModel.
getCopyButton public JRadioButton getCopyButton()
Returns the copy button.
getShapesVector public Vector getShapesVector()
Returns the shapesVector.

2.2 RotateAction class  return=>page top
class RotateAction extends AbstractAction implements WindowListener
>Method Description
actionPerformed public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
Executes the action processing of the clicked button.
∙ "click the rotation center" check box

If the check box is selected, then calls the addConnectionListener method, otherwise calls the removeConnectionListener method.

∙ "pixel" or "mm" button

Calls the setValuesToPositionSpinners method.

∙ "GO" button

Calls the rotateContainer method to translate the selected shapes one by one.
Calls the ContainerManager.undoSetupStart method before translating and calls the ContainerManager.undoSetupEnd method for undo setup.
See=> The undo support function of the ContainerManager.

∙ "Cancel" button

Calls the closeDialog method.

rotateContainer private ShapeContainer rotateContainer(ShapeContainer container, boolean copy)
container - The selected shape to be rotated.
copy - If true, then this method remains the selected original shape.
If the copy is true, then this method creates clones of the selected shapes.
Gets the rotation matrix by the getRotationMatrix.
The rotate method of this class rotates the selected shape or its clone
rotate private void rotate(Matrix2D rotationMatrix, ShapeContainer container)
container - The selected shape to be rotated.
The rotated shape element is represented by the GeneralCurveElement class.
The procedure of rotating a shape is as follows:
∙ Gets the boundary curve by the ShapeElement.getCurve2D method.
∙ Converts the boundary curve to the GeneralCurve2DE by the Curve2D.convertToGeneralCurve2DE method.
∙ Rotates each segment of the boundary curve by the Segment2D.transformSegment method.
∙ Changes the GeneralCurve2DE of the boundary curve to simpler form, if possible.

The simpler form is a line, polyline or cubic curve.

getRotationMatrix private Matrix2D getRotationMatrix()
Returns the rotation matrix. The rotation matrix is created by using the rotationCenterP and the angle from the angleSpinnerModel.
closeDialog private void closeDialog()
Closes the dialog by calling setVisible(false).
Calls the SelectionLS.resetReceiver method.

2.3 Class RotateSpinnerListener return=>page top
class RotateSpinnerListener implements ChangeListener
Method Description
stateChanged public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e)
This method is called if the values in the positionSpinners are changed. Retrieves the rotation center point from the positionSpinnerModel and displays it on the canvas by the DrawShapeUtil.drawTempShape method.
drawMarkAtCenterP public void drawMarkAtCenterP()
Draws a mark and the message of "Rotation center" at the rotationCenterP.

3. Flipping (Mirror transform) return=>page top
Specifies the flipping direction in the dialog and click "GO" button, then the operation will be executed.
∙ Shapes to be flipped must be selected before opening the dialog.

If the shapes are not selected, then an error message will be displayed on the top of the dialog(Figure 3.1).

∙ If the "copy yes" button is selected, then the original shape remains after flipped.
∙ The "GO" button can be clicked repeatedly.
: If "copy yes" button is selected, then the flipped shape will be displayed at the position slightly shifted from the original position for clarity.


(a) The original shape   (b) Flipped shape with copy

Figure 3.1

3.1 Class Flip return=>page top
public class Flip extends JDialog
Field Description
FlipAction action
Sets the FlipAction.
JLabel messageLabel
Sets the label object on which the showMessage methods displays a message.
hButton JRadioButton hButton
The button object which specifies flipping horizontally.
vButton JRadioButton vButton
The button object which specifies flipping vertically.
copyButton JRadioButton copyButton: The button object of "copy yes/no".
goButton JButton goButton:The button object of "GO"
cancelButton JButton cancelButton:The button object of "Cancel"
shapesVector Vector shapesVector
Stores the selected shapes.

Method Description
Constructor public Flip()
Calls the following methods.

super(ObjectTable.getDrawMain(), "flip");
this.action=new FlipAction(this);

createDialog public void createDialog()
∙ Sets the dialog position at the left upper of the window.
∙ Adds the WindowListener to the dialog.

>Before the window is closed, the windowClosing method calls the closeDialog method.

∙ Adds the components to the dialog.

Upper row: the message label.
Middle row: The buttons of "Horizontally" and "Vertically".
Lower row: The panel of the "GO" and "Cancel" buttons.

∙ Add the ActionListener of the FliptAction to the "GO" and "Cancel" buttons.
showDialog public void showDialog(int commandId)
∙ Shows the dialog by the setVisible method.
∙ This method saves the selected shapes to the shapesVector.
selected public void selected(SelectionEvent event)
This method is defined by SelectionListener.
This method isn't used in the current version.
event - SelectionEvent object.
If a shape is selected by the mouse click in the SelectionLS, then this method is called from the SelectionLS.
Saves the selected shape to the shapesVector.
showMessage protected void showMessage(String message, Color color)
Shows the message to the messageLabel.
getSelectedContainers public ShapeContainer[] getSelectedContainers()
Returns the selected shape saved in the shapesVector.
getHorizontalButton public JRadioButton getHorizontalButton()
Returns the hButton.
getCopyButton public JRadioButton getCopyButton()
Returns the copy button.
getShapeVector public Vector getShapeVector()
Returns the shapesVector.

3.2 Class FlipAction return=>page top
class FlipAction extends AbstractAction implements WindowListener
Method Description
actionPerformed public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
Executes the action processing of the clicked button.
∙ "GO" button

Gets the flipping matrix by the Matrix2D.getFlipMatrix method and calls the flipContainer method to flip the selected shapes one by one.
Calls the ContainerManager.undoSetupStart method before translating and calls the ContainerManager.undoSetupEnd method for undo setup.
See=> The undo support function of the ContainerManager.

∙ "Cancel" button

Calls the closeDialog method.

flipContainer private ShapeContainer flipContainer(Matrix2D flipMatrix, ShapeContainer container, boolean copy)
flipMatrix - The flipping matrix
container - The selected shape to be flipped
copy - If true, then this method remains the selected original shape.
If the copy is true, then this method creates a clone of the selected shape.
The ShapeElement.transform method flips the selected shape or its clone.
closeDialog private void closeDialog()
Closes the dialog by calling setVisible(false).
Calls the SelectionLS.resetReceiver method.
windowClosing public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
Calls the closeDialog method.

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