Java Drawing DrawTop




User's Guide Shape Utility

 H. Jyounishi, Tokyo Japan

Frame (Index), No frame                 version:0.3(latest)  

Summary: First, this page describes the operations of auto align and connector. Second, describes the operations of translating, rotating, fipping shape objects and manipulating shape objects such as a shape object can be cut by other shape and multiple curves can be connected via their intersection points.

Table of contents: auto align, connector, translate, rotate, flip, modify shape, cut shape, connect curves

Operation video
auto align



1. auto align return=>page top



auto align

Click on the "setting" button and then the following menu items will appear.

Select the "auto align" check box, then you can use the auto align capability while moving or resizing shape objects. The default setting of the check box is "selected".
The auto align capability automatically performs the same operation as the align command in real time , while the selected shape is being moved or resized.


Figure_(a) is a block diagram which components are not aligned.

Figure_(a) Sample drawing: block diagram

First we move the "Keyboard" box upward. If the "Keyboard" box is aligned with a neighboring object within a given error margin, red dashed lines are displayed as Figure_(b).
In Figure_(b), the "Keyboard" box and the "Keytyped" box have the same size, therefore the three alignments of align_top, align_middle and align_bottom are established at the same time and the three red dashed lines appear.
If you release the mouse button at this moment, the "Keyboard" box will be aligned with the "Keytyped" box accurately.
To confirm the align of the two boxes, press the mouse button on the selection box of the "Keyboard" box, then the three red dashed horizontal lines will appear again.

Figure_(b) Move the "Keyboard" box upward.

Next, moves the "Keytyped" box slightly to the left, then it will aligned vertically with the "ListenerPanel" box and horizontally with the "Keyboard" box and the red dashed lines will be displayed horizontally and vertically as Figure_(c).
Release the mouse button at this moment, then "Keytyped" box will be aligned with the "ListenerPanel" box and "Keyboard" box simultaneously.

Figure_(c) Move the "Keytyped" box slightly to the left

Repeat moving and resizing operations, then finally we get Figure (d).

Figure(d) The completion diagram.

More examples:
=> Examples-1 Diagram, Table

auto align example1
- Separate shapes

The auto align capability automatically performs the same operation as the align command ― align_left, align_center, align_right. align_top, align_middle, align_bottom ― in real time , while the selected shape is being moved or resized.
When you move or resize the selected shape and if the selected shape is aligned to other shapes, then red dashed lines are displayed as sown in the the figures below.
When you release the mouse button while red dashed lines are being displayed, the selected shape will be aligned with the other shapes very accurately.
: API Specifications - The shape being moved or resized is displayed with the Selection box.

Figure 1.1-(1) Aligns the central rectangle to the neighboring three shapes
top-top, middle-middle, bottom-bottom , left-left, center-center, right-right

Figure 1.1-(2) Aligns the right end point of the polyline to the two rectangles
endp(endpoint)-middle, endp(endpoint)-left

Figure 1.1-(3) Aligns the apple like shape(group) to the rectangle
top-top, middle-middle, bottom-bottom

Figure 1.1-(4) Aligns the apple like shape(group) to the ellipse
top-top, middle-middle, bottom-bottom

Figure 1.1 Usual case - separate shapes

auto align example2 - Boundary overlap

When the bounding boxes of shapes are overlapped at their boundaries, the fine red dashed lines are unclear, so the aligns are displayed with the thick red dashed lines.

Figure 1.2-(1) Aligns the rectangle to overlap to other shapes at their boundaries.
left - right

Figure 1.2-(2) Aligns the rectangle to overlap to other shapes at their boundaries.
top - bottom

Figure 1.2-(3) Aligns the ellipse to overlap to other shapes at their boundaries.
left - right

Figure 1.2-(4) Aligns the ellipse to overlap to other shapes at their boundaries.
top - bottom

Figure 1.2-(5) Aligns the apple like shape to overlap to the rectangle at their boundaries.
left - right

Figure 1.2-(6) Aligns the apple like shape to overlap to the ellipse at their boundaries.
left - right

Figure 1.2 Boundary overlap

auto align example3
- Overlap

Figure 1.3-(1) Aligns the rectangle to overlap to other shapes.
left - center

Figure 1.3-(2) Aligns the rectangle to overlap to other shapes partially.
left - center, bottom - middle

Figure 1.3-(3) Aligns the ellipse to overlap to the rectangle.
left - center

Figure 1.3-(4) Aligns the ellipse to overlap to the rectangle completely.
left - left, center-center, right - right,
top - top, middle - middle, bottom - bottom

Figure 1.3-(5) Aligns the apple like shape to overlap to the ellipse partially.
left - center, right - right

Figure 1.3-(6) Aligns the apple like shape to overlap to the ellipse at their center.
center-center, middle - middle

Figure 1.3 AutoAlign Overlap

auto align example4 - Align with Connectors

Figure 1.4-(1) Aligns shapes with connectors

Figure 1.4-(2) Aligns the rectangle to the other one with the two connectors

Figure 1.4 Align with Connectors

: API Specifications:
The connections to connectors are assured by the special function in the MoveResizeShapeLS.

auto align example5
- Specific examples

Figure 1.5-(1) Original shapes

Figure 1.5-(2) Aligns the circle to the square by complete overlap

Figure 1.5-(3) Inscribes the circle to the square by resizing

Figure 1.5-(4) Inscribes the circle to the square by resizing => grouping

Figure 1.5-(5) Copy and paste

Figure 1.5-(6) Aligns the shapes with the boundary contact

Figure 1.5-(7) Aligns the shapes with the boundary contact

Figure 1.5-(8) Completed

Figure 1.5-(9) Aligns the shape to the upper left shape

Figure 1.5-(10) Aligns the shape to the left side shape

Figure 1.5-(11) Aligns the shape to the left side and upper side shapes

Figure 1.5-(12) Completed

Figure 1.5 Specific examples - Boundary overlap, shapes overlap

2. Connectorreturn=>page top

creating a connector, Moving a connection point, Disconnecting, enable/disable connector, Auto tracking option, Moving a connector along guide lines, Connecting connectors to a group of shapes, Ensuring connections for various operations



creating a connector

A straight line and polyline can be used for a connector which connects two shapes.

(1)Creating a connector -1

When you move the mouse toward a shape's boundary after pressing "creating line or polyline button(), you can see a connection mark as the figures (a), (a') below.
Press the mouse button to give the start point of a line or polyline and drag the mouse toward another shape's boundary, then you can see a connection mark on the another shape's boundary as the figures (b), (b').
Release the mouse button, then you give the end point of the line or polyline, and finally you can get a connector of a line or polyline. To connect two shapes with a horizontal or vertical line or polyline, you just drag the mouse with holding down the Shift/Ctrl key.

=>Connection point


Figure (a')Figure (b')

(2)Creating a connector -2
If you already created a line or polyline, you can connect it to another shape as a connector by moving the endpoint of the line or polyline.
Press the mouse button on the resize handle (endpoint mark) of a selected line or polyline and drag it toward the another shape (Figure_(c), (c')), you can see a connection mark on the another shape's boundary. Release the mouse button, then you can connect the line or polyline to the another shape.
To connect two shapes with a horizontal or vertical line or polyline, you just drag the resize handle with holding down the Shift/Ctrl key.
=> Cursor mark, Move the endpoint of a line, Move the endpoint of a polyline

Figure_(c)Figure (d)

Figure (c')Figure (d')

: A connector can be connected to an arbitrary point on a shape's boundary, and the shape can be connected by any number of connectors on its boundary.

Moving a connection point If you want to move the connection point of a connector, move the connector's endpoint along the shape boundary.

Disconnecting If you want to disconnect a connector, move the connector's endpoint away from the shape boundary.

enable/disable connector Select the "enable connector" check box, then the connector capability can be used.
The default setting of the check box is "selected".
Deselect the "enable connector" check box, then all the connector will be handled as simple lines or polylines.

Auto tracking option If the target shape is moved or resized, then the connector's endpoint moves with the target shape to keep its connection.
The "auto tracking option" can constrains the directions of connectors when the connectors tracks the target shape.

auto tracking option: free direction
If the " free direction" option is selected, then a connector is moved or transformed as follow.
The Figure_(a) shows the original drawing and Figure_(b), (c) show the scene when the ellipse is being moved upward and downward. The line connector tracks the ellipse and keeps its connection with the ellipse (the red marks represent the connection points). Here, the polyline connector keeps its x directional feature ((d)-(f)), however the line connector loses it completely.

(a) Original
(b) The ellipse was moved upward/B> (c) The ellipse was moved downward
Line connector

(d) Original
(e) The ellipse was moved upward (f) The ellipse was moved downward
Polyline connector

auto tracking option: keep x/y direction
If this option is selected, then the connector is moved or transformed without losing its x/y directional feature. The Figure_(a) - (f) show the scene of a line connector when the ellipse is being moved upward and downward.
The line connector doesn't lose its x directional feature and keeps the connection with the target shape (the ellipse) by sliding the connection point on the boundary of the target shape.
Here, the new connection point is calculated in real time as the intersection point between the extended line of the connector and the target shape. If the target shape (the ellipse) is moved largely, the line connector changes to a polyline connector to keep the connection.

(a) Original (b) The ellipse was moved upward
(c) The ellipse was moved downward (d) The ellipse was moved downward largely, then the line connector is changed to a polyline connector.

(e) The ellipse was moved upward, then the polyline connector returns to a line connector.

(f) The ellipse upward largely, then the line connector is changed to a polyline connector again.

The following figures (a) - (c) are the typical and practical examples. The "auto tracking option: keep x/y connectors" option provides a very useful capability with the auto align function for drawing block diagrams, flow charts and so on. In the following figures, the rectangles enclosed by the selection box are moved upward.
(a)Original (b)option: free direction
If the right rectangle is moved downward, then the line connectors change their directions.
(c) option: keep x/y direction
If the right rectangle is moved downward largely,
then some of the line connectors change to polyline connectors.
=>Example 1.1

Moving a connector along guide lines. A connector (a line or a polyline) can be moved along guide lines by dragging the mouse with holding down Ctrl/Shift key. If there is no guide line, the connector will be moved horizontally or vertically with holding down Ctrl/Shift key.
This command is prepared to move a line in a table.
=> Example 1.2.

(a) Original
The vertical line connects to the two guide lines.
(b) Moves the vertical line rightward along the guide lines.
(c) Original The vertical line connects to the single guide line (d) Moves the vertical line rightward along the single guide line.

The guide line can be a curve and the connector can be a polyline.

(a) Original
The vertical line connects to the guide curve.

(b) Moves the vertical line rightward along the guide curve.

(c) Moves the horizontal line downward.

Connecting connectors to a shape of a group

A connector can be connected to any shape of a group.
The apple-like object is a group which consists of the five piecewise cubic curves and the arrow lines are connectors.

Figure_(a) Original

Figure_(b) shows the scene that the apple has been moved upward and downward under the "keep x/y direction" option,

Figure_(b) Moving the "apple" upward and downward.

Ensuring connections for various operations

The connectors' connections is ensured for various operations.

modify shape

=> modify polyline, modify piecewise cubic curve, modify round rectangle

Original - polyline Move the cusp point of the arrow leftward Move the cusp point leftward largely
Delete the left lower junction point Add a new junction point Move the new junction point
Original - piecewise cubic curve Move two junction points The same on the left figure
Move the bottom node upward The same on the left figure
Original - round rectangle Move a blue point and change the radius Maximum radius

change shape

Original Change the round rectangles to ellipses Change those to the star marks
(a group of piecewise cubic curves)
Change each piecewise cubic curve to the hexagon. Change each shape to a the star mark.

3. Translation and manipulation return=>page top
Command: translate, rotate, flip, modify shape, cut shape, connect curves




Select shapes, click on the "util" button and select the "translate" menu item, then the dialog of the Figure_(a) appears. If no shape is selected, then an error message is displayed at the top of the dialog(Figure(b)).
∙ Specify the (x,y) of the "translation x,y" in the spinners..

The unit of length for the (x,y) components can be selected by "pixel" button or "mm" (millimeter) button.
If the "Click two points" check box is selected, then the (x,y) components can be specified by the difference of two points.
You can click the two points on shapes (Figure_(c), (d)) or on empty place on the canvas.

∙ If the "Copy yes" button is selected, then the original shape remains after translated.




Check "Click two point" box and move the mouse to the endpoints of the arrow line, then the mark will be displayed. Click the mouse at the both end points, then the p1 and p2 (translation vector) will be determined. The (x,y) components of the translation vector will be displayed in the x,y- spinners (x: 36, y: 28).

Figure (d)

Click the "Go" button, then the selected round rectangle will be translated.

Clicking two points on a shape.
(Clicking two points on different two shapes is allowed)

: You can click on the "Go" button repeatedly (Figure (e)).

Figure (e)


The rotating operation is similar to the translating operation.
Select shapes, click on the "util" button and select the "rotate" menu item, then the dialog of the Figure_(a) appears. If no shape is selected, then an error message is displayed at the top of the dialog(Figure(b)).
: When the dialog appears, the "Rotation center" is also displayed at the center position of the selected shapes as the figure below. The "Rotation center" can be changed by using the x, y spinners, or clicking on the canvas or a shape (Figure_(c), (d)).

One selected shape

Two selected shapes

∙ If the "Copy yes" button is selected, then the original shape remains after rotated.
∙ The "Go" button can be clicked repeatedly.



Check "Click the rotation center" box and click on a shape.

Figure (d)
Click on the "Go" button, then the selected shape will be copied and rotated.

Clicking a point to specify the rotation center.
(Clicking at the empty place is allowed)

: You can click on the "Go" button repeatedly (Figure (e)).

Figure (e)


Select shapes, click on the "util" button and select the "flip" menu item, then the dialog of the Figure_(a) appears. If no shape is selected, then an error message is displayed at the top of the dialog(Figure(b)).
Select "Horizontally" or "Vertically" in the dialog, select Copy yes/no button and click on the Go button, then the flipping operation will be executed.

: If you select Copy no button, the flipped shape will be placed at the position slightly shifted from the original position for clarity (Figure (d)).



Figure_(c) Original shape

Figure (d) Result with Copy yes

modify shape

Select the radio button representing the operation to be performed.

(1) move button

=> modify round rectangle, modify polyline, modify piecewise cubic curve

(2)add point button
Adds a junction point specified by mouse click to a curve.
Original Adds the junction points on the upper and lower edges.

(3)delete point button
Deletes a junction point specified by mouse click.
Original Deletes the two junction points on the upper edge.

(4)smooth button
Makes a curve smooth at the junction point specified by mouse click.

Original Makes smooth at the start and end points of the upper edge. Moves the tangent directions.

(5)cusp button
Makes a curve unsmooth slightly at the junction point specified by mouse click.
Original Changes the bottom junction point to the cusp point. Moves the tangent at the cusp point. Ordinary display.

(6)disconnect button
Disconnects a curve at the junction point specified by mouse click.
Original Disconnect at the upper and lower junction points. Ordinary display.

cut shape
Click on the "util" button and select "cut shape" menu item, then the dialog of Figure_(a) will be appears.
The operation is as follows.
(1) Select two shapes.

The first shape is a target shape which is to be cut, and the second shape is a cutting shape (cutter). After two shapes are selected, The "target" and "cutter" string will be displayed on the canvas (Figure_(a)). : You can select the target shape before opening the dialog.
: The "Go" button will be enabled after the cutter shape is selected.

(2) Click on the "Go" button, then the cutting operation will be executed with displaying the intersection points as the blue marks. (Figure_(b), (c)).

: If the "yes" button is selected in the dialog, the cutter shape will be also cut.

Figure_(a) Select a target shape and a cutting shape (cutter)

Figure_(b) the operation was executed by clicking "Go" button

Figure_(c) Display the selection boxes.
Click the Repeat button , then the dialog returns to the initial state.

Figure (d) shows the result of the case that two shapes have many intersection points.
Figure (d)
connect curves

Click on the "util" button and select "connect curves" menu item, then the dialog of Figure_(a) will open.
The operation is as follows.
(1) Select multiple curves with the mouse click (Figure_(b)).

: The "Go" button is enabled after at least two curves have been selected.
(2) Click on "Go" button, then a new connected curve will be displayed (Figure_(b), (c)).

: The operation of connecting curves is executed according to the following rule.

⋅ If the n-th selected curve and (n+1)-th selected curve has a intersection point, it will be junction point of the two selected curves. If they have no intersection, then the junction point will be the closest pair of endpoints of the two curves.
⋅ If the n-th selected curve and (n+1)-th selected curve has multiple intersection points, the operation of connecting curves will result in error. In this case, you have to trim the n-th selected curve or (n+1)-th selected curve by using the cut shape command before the operation.

Figure_(a) Selecting curves

Figure_(b) All the curves are selected, then Click "Go"button.

Figure_(c) Connected curve
Click the Repeat button , then the dialog returns to the initial state.

cut shape, connect curves example

(1) Original shapes (2) Cut each other:
Selecting target and cutter
(3) Cut each other:
(4) Remove unnecessary parts (5) Connect curves:
Selecting curves
(6) Connect curves:
Closed curve and filling color

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