Java Drawing DrawTop




Moving/Resizing shape

 H. Jyounishi, Tokyo Japan

Frame (Index), No frame                 version:0.3(latest)  

Summary: A selected shape can be moved or resized by dragging a selection box or a resize handle. The moving or resizing command is generated when the SelectionLS detects that the mouse button is pressed on the selection box or the resize handle.
See=>Control flow
Class on this page: MoveResizeShapeLS(API), AutoAlign(API), Align, AlignedCouple

1. Overview
1.1 The cursor marks

Figure 1.1 shows the cursor marks. When the mouse pointer is located on a resize handle or a selection box, then the corresponding cursor mark is displayed. The point to notice here is that the crosshair cursor is displayed on the endpoints of a line or polyline (Figure_(b), (c)). The endpoint of the line or polyline can be moved by dragging it with the crosshair cursor (Figure 1.2(a), Figure 1.2(b)).

Cursor marks:


Figure 1.1. Selection box, resize handles, and cursor marks.

1.2 Moving/resizing shapes
A straight line

A selection box is not displayed for a selected straight line (Figure 1.2(a)). To move the line in parallel, drag a point on the line with the move cursor (). To resize the line or move the endpoint, drag the end point with the crosshair cursor (, Figure 1.2(a)).

A polyline

To move a polyline, drag the selection box or a point on the polyline (Figure 1.2(b)). In addition, to move a endpoint of a polyline, move the endpoint with the crosshair cursor (Figure 1.2(b)). The Figure 1.2(c) shows various cases of moving the end point of a polyline.
The point to notice here is that if a line segment of the polyline is horizontal or vertical, then it will stay horizontal or vertical after the endpoint is moved (Figure 1.2(c)). This feature is important for a connector, because a connector is normally composed by horizontal and vertical lines.

A closed shape

To move a closed, drag the selection box or a point on the boundary of a closed shape. To resize a close shape, darg the resize handle (Figure 1.2(d))

(a) Move in parallel with the move cursor

(b) Move the endpoint with the crosshair cursor

Figure 1.2(a) Moving a straight line.

Move in parallel with the move cursor

Move the endpoint with the crosshair cursor

Figure 1.2(b) Moving a polyline

An original polyline

Moves the end point rightward
with the crosshair cursor

Moves the end point leftward
with the crosshair cursor

Moves the end point upward
with the crosshair cursor
Figure 1.2(c) Moving the endpoint of a polyline to various directions.

Resize the polyline by dragging the NE resize habdle.

Resize the ellipse by dragging the N resize habdle.

Figure 1.2(d) Resizing a closed shape by dragging the resize handle.

1.3 The operation with holding down the Shift, Ctrl or Alt key
Operation Description
Moving a shape

Drag a selection box with holding down the Shift or Ctrl key, then a shape will be moved horizontally or vertically.
Drag a connector (line or polyline) with holding down the Ctrl/Shift key and if the connector is connected to guide lines/curves at the endpoints, then the endpoints of the connector will be moved along the guide lines/curves (Figure 1.3). This function is used to move lines in a table.

Moving a endpoint of a line or polyline Drag a endpoint with holding down the Shift or Ctrl key, then the endpoint will be moved horizontally or vertically.
Resizing a shape Drag the NW, SW, SE or NE resize handle with holding down the Shift or Ctrl key, and then a shape will be resized with keeping its wide to height ratio.
Drag the NW, SW, SE or NE resize handle with holding down the Alt key, then a shape will be resized to fit a square rectangle.

Moves the vertical line to the right
with holding down the Ctrl/Shift key.

The connections (red marks)
can be preserved.

Figure 1.3 The effect of the Ctrl/Shfit key

1.4 Auto align

The auto_align function automatically executes the same operation as the "align objects" command while a shape is moved or resized. For example, Figure 1.4(a) shows the diagram whose components are not aligned.
See=> User's guide align objects

Figure 1.4(a) Sample drawing: block diagram.

First we move the "Keyboard" box upward. If the "Keyboard" box is aligned with a neighboring object within a given error margin, red dashed lines are displayed as Figure 1.4(b). In Figure 1.4(b), the "Keyboard" box and the "Keytyped" box have the same size, therefore the three conditions such as align_top, align_middle and align_bottom are established at the same time and the three red dashed lines are displayed.
If you release the mouse button at this moment, the "Keyboard" box will be aligned with the "Keytyped" box accurately.
To confirm the align of the two boxes, press the mouse button on the selection box of the "Keyboard" box, then the three red dashed lines will be displayed again.

Figure 1.4(b) Move the "Keyboard" box upward

Next, moves the "Keytyped" box slightly to the left, then it will aligned vertically with the "ListenerPanel" box and horizontally with the "Keyboard" box and the red dashed lines will be displayed horizontally and vertically as Figure 1.4(c).
Release the mouse button, then "Keytyped" box will be aligned with the "ListenerPanel" box and "Keyboard" box simultaneously.

Figure 1.4(c) Move the "Keytyped" box slightly to the left
Repeat the operations, then finally we get Figure 1.4(d).

Figure 1.4(d) The completion diagram.

Class MoveResizeShapeLS return=>page top
2.1 Control flow
(1) Moving/Resizing a shape


Step1. Start When the mouse button is pressed, the SelectionLS.mousePressed method is called. If the mouse pointer is on the selection box or the resize handle of the selected shape, then the mousePressed method calls the SelectionLS.prepareMoveResizeCommand method.
Step2. Issuing the move/resize command The prepareMoveResizeCommand method generates a command sequence which specifies " move or resize selected shapes" and sends the command to the command dispatcher (ExecCommand).
After dispatching the command, the ExecCommand.exec method creates a new object of this class and calls the start method..
Step3 Setting the MoveResizeShapeLS The start method of this class registers this new object to the ListenerPanel. Hereafter, this object receives the mouse operation.
The start method also registers the current selected shapes to the undo manager by using the undo support function of the ContainerManager.
Step4 Starting the moving/resizing processing
When the mouse drag is started, the mouseDragged method of this object receives the mouse motion and calls the ShapeElement.resize method for moving or resizing the shape (the resize method is also used for moving a shape). If the mouse points a endpoint of the selected line or polyline, then the mouseDragged method of this class calls the ShapeElement.moveEndPoint method.
See=>Move/resize method of the ShapeElement
Step5 Post process When the mouseReleased method of this class is called, then it calls the end method of this class for the post processing.
The end method removes this class from the ListenerPanel and registers the moved or resized shaped to the undo manager by using the undo support function of the ContainerManager.

(2) Connecting a connector


Step1 Displaying a connection point Drag the endpoint of a selected line/polyline and move the endpoint to a target shape, then the red or blue mark will be displayed on the boundary of the target shape. Here the mark is showing a expected connection point.
To do this processing, the mouseDragged method of this class calls the ConnectionLS.drawMouseHitPT method which displays the connection point if the endpoint is close enough to the target shape.
See=> User's guide Connector, Figure 2.1, 2.2
Step2 connecting a connector to a target
If the ConnectionLS.drawMouseHitPT method returns a connection point, the mouseDragged method moves the connector's endpoint to the connection point by the ShapeElement.moveEndPoint method. The connection point is calculated very acculately, so the connector's endpoint lies on the shape boundary within round-off error.
See: More detailed description =>Connector, ConnectionLS

Figure 2.1 Connecting a line(connector) to a shape boundary.

Figure 2.2 Connecting the line(connector) to a corner (junction/terminal) point.

(3) Maintaining the connection with a target shape
When the target shape is moved or resized, the connectors connecting to the target shape are transformed and maintains the connections with the target shape. Even if the target shape belongs to a group, the connection must be maintained.
See=> User's guide Connector


Step1 Initial set The start method of this class calls the setTargets method of the ConnectionUtil ich creates the list of the target shapes to be move or resized and the connectors which connect to the target shapes.
Step2 Resizing the connector While the target shapes is moved/resized by dragging, the mouseDragged method of this class calls the resizeConnectors method of the ConnectionUtil which moves the endpoints of the connectors and maintains the connections with the target shapes.
Step3 Post process When the mouse button is released, the mouseReleased method calls the end method of the ConnectionUtil for post processing.
See: More detailed description => Connector Maintaining the connections


(a) original

(b) moves "keyboad" box to the left.

(c) moves "keyTyped" box downward.

(d) moves "InputMethodTextChanged"
and "keyTyped" boxes upward.
Figure 2.3 Maintaining the connection
Color marks represent the connection points between the shapes being moved and the connectors

(4) Moving a line or polyline along guide lines or curves (Figure 1.3)

This function is achieved by calling the setTargets method of the ConnectionUtil (see (3)) for preparation, and calls the resizeTargetsByGuideLines method of the ConnectionUtil in the mouseDragged method of this class.

2.2 MoveResizeShapeLS API return=>page top
public class MoveResizeShapeLS implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener



mousePositionInfo private MousePositionInfo mousePositionInfo
The MousePositionInfo object which is the returned value of the MousePositionLS.getMousePositionInfoForMoveResize method called in the init method.
connectionUtil ConnectionUtil connectionUtil
The ConnectionUtil object.
See=>Control flow Maintaining the connection with a target shape
connectorResizeOption int connectorResizeOption
Sets DrawParameters.CONNECTOR_AUTO_TRACKING_OPTION to this field.
See=> Connector Auto tracking option
autoAlign AutoAlign autoAlign
The AutoAlign object which executes auto_align command .
selectedContainers ShapeContainer[] selectedContainers
This array of the ShapeContainer object of the selected shapes. A group object having multiple shapes is counted as one and stored to the array.
mode int mode
The type of moving or resizing. The type is represented by the static constants - Command.MOVE, RESIZE or MOVE_ENDPT.
mode=MOVE: moving selected shapes by dragging the selection box (Figure 1.1).
mode=RESIZE: resizing selected shapes by dragging the resize handle (Figure 1.1).
mode=MOVE_ENDPT: moving a endpoint of a selected shape by dragging the endpoint (Figure 1.2(b)).
startPoint Point2D startPoint:Stores the dragging start point.
newPoint Point2D newPoint:Stores the dragging current point or endpoint.
oldPoint Point2D oldPoint:Stores the dragging point when the mouseDragged method was called previously.
startBox Rectangle2D startBox: Stores the bounding box which encloses all the selected shapes before they are moved or resized.
newBox Rectangle2D newBox:Stores the bounding box to which all the selected shapes are enclosed.
If the mode equals MOVE, the newBox is the translated rectangle of the startBox.
If the mode equals RESIZE, the newBox is given by the ShapeElementUtil.resizeRectangle method.
oldBox Rectangle2D oldBox: Stores the newBox array at the end of the mouseDragged method.
workVector Vector workVector
This is the Vector object used for some work.




public void start(MousePositionInfo info, MouseEvent e),/p>


info - MousePositionInfo data when a mouse is pressed on a selected shape to move or resize the selected shape.

e - The MouseEvent object which is obtained in the SelectionLS.mousePressed method.


This method is called from the SelectionLS.prepareMoveResizeCommand via the ExecCommand.exec method. The ExecCommand.exec method creates a new MoveResizeShapeLS object and calls this method.
⋅ Registers this object (MoveResizeShapeLS) to the ListenerPanel as a MouseListener and MouseMotionListener, and stops the SelectionLS object by calling the SelectionLS.end method.
⋅ Calls the init method of this class.

⋅ Calls the undoSetupStart method of the ContainerManager
init public void init(MouseEvent e)
The same parameter as the start method
This method does the initial setting before the mouse is dragged.
⋅ Sets the MousePositionInfo object to the mousePositionInfo.

The MousePositionInfo is given by the MousePositionLS.getMousePositionInfoForMoveResize method.

⋅ Sets the mode using the data in the parameter of the mousePositionInfo.
⋅ Sets the selected shapes to the selectedContainers.

Gets the selected shapes by using the ContainerManager.getSelectedContainers method and stores them to the field of the selectedContainers.
If the mode equals MOVE_ENDPT, the operation is allowed only for lines, open polylines and open curves. This check is performed by the isSuitableForMoveEndPT method.

⋅ Calls the ConnectionUtil.setTargets method.

The setTargets method creates the list of the target shapes to be move/resized, and the list of the connectors which connect to the target shapes.
See=>Control flow Connecting a connector

Sets the values to the startBox, newBox, oldBox etc.
⋅ Initial setting to the ShapeElement.

Calls the ShapeElement.mouseStart method.

⋅ Sets auto_align

If the DrawParameters.AUTO_ALIGN is true, then this method calls the folowing methods.

・Calls the AutoAlign.start method to set AUTO_ALIGN.
・Call the ConnectionUtil.start method to carry out the connector related initial setting ( 2.1 (2), 2.1 (3)).
end public void end()
⋅ Removes this object from the ListenerPanel and calls the SelectionLS.start method.
⋅ Calls the ConnectionUtil.end method.
⋅ Calls the undoSetupEnd method of the ContainerManager.
public boolean isSuitableForMoveEndPT(ShapeContainer container)
Returns true if the shape specified by the container is suitable for moving its endpoint.
The endpoint of a line, open polyline or open cubic curve can be moved.
mousePressed public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
This method isn't called because the SelectionLS.mousePressed method already received the MouseEvent object.
See=>Control flow Moving/Resizing a shape
mouseDragged public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
⋅ Checks whether the Shift/Ctrl/Alt key is held down while dragging.
See=>The operation with holding down the Shift, Ctrl or Alt key
⋅ Executes moving or resizing the selected shapes according to the mode.

(a) mode=Command.MOVING_MODE

Calls the ShapeElement.move method.

(b) mode=Command.RESIZING_MODE

Calls the ShapeElement.resize method.

(c) mode=Command.MOVING_ENDPT_MODE

Calls the ShapeElement.moveEndPoint method.

・Caslls the AutoAlign.mouseDragged and the ConnectionUtil.mouseDragged methods for the processings of Auto_Align and connectors.
mouseReleased public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
⋅ If the DrawParameters.AUTO_ALIGN is true, then this method performs the following.

This method calls the AutoAlign.ajustAlignment method to align the selected shape with a neighboring shape exactly within round-off error and calls the ConnectionUtil.resizeConnectors method.

⋅ Calls the end method of this class for post processing.
・Caslls the AutoAlign.mouseReleased and the ConnectionUtil.mouseReleased methods for the processings of Auto_Align and connectors.


public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
Nothing is done.
mouseClicked public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
Nothing is done.
mouseEntered public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
Nothing is done.
mouseExited public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
Nothing is done.

: The move/resize method of the ShapeElement
Gets the mouse position code from the MousePositionInfo and determines whether the operation is moving or resizing a shape. Then calls the corresponding method of the ShapeElement to update the shape data.
Moving is a kind of resizing which changes only the shape position, so for moving the shape, the ShapeElement.resize method is called.


If the mouse position code equals SELECTION_BOX, SHAPE_BOUNDARY or INSIDE_SHAPE, then the operation is moving a shape.
=> Calls the ShapeElement.resize method (*1) for moving.


If the mouse position code equals NW_RESIZE, NE_RESIZE, SE_RESIZE, SW_RESIZE, N_RESIZE, E_RESIZE, S_RESIZE or W_RESIZE, then the operation is resizing a shape.
=> Calls the ShapeElement.resize method.

If the mouse position code equals END_POINT, then the operation is moving the endpoint of a line, polyline or cubic curve.
=> Calls the ShapeElement.moveEndPoint method for moving an endpoint.
(*1) The resize method can be used for moving a shape.

3. Class AutoAlign return=>page top
public class AutoAlign
3.1 AutoAlign Examples

=> Auto align Figure 1.4(a) - 1.4(d) on this page, User's guide auto align, auto align example1 - example5, Example-1
The auto align capability automatically performs the same operation as the align command - align_left, align_center, align_right. align_top, align_middle, align_bottom - in real time , while the selected shape is being moved or resized.
When you move or resize the selected shape and if the selected shape is aligned to other shapes, then red dashed lines are displayed. When you release the mouse button while red dashed lines are being displayed, the selected shape will be aligned with the other shapes very accurately.

3.2 Control flow



Step1. Starting the auto align The MoveResizeShapeLS.init method calls the AutoAlign.start method for its initial settings.
The AutoAlign.start method calls the AutoAlign.drawHitAligns method to display the initial alignment of the shape objects.
Step2. Checking and displaying the alignment Whenever the mouse is dragged, the MoveResizeShapeLS.mouseDragged method calls the AutoAlign.mouseDragged method, and it calls the drawHitAligns method to display the alignment of the shape objects.
: The AutoAlign.mouseDragged method isn't a MouseMotionListener method. The name of "mouseDragged" is for easy understanding of the correspondence between the MoveResizeShapeLS methods and the AutoAlign methods.
Step3. Executing align When the mouse button is released, the MoveResizeShapeLS.mouseReleased method calls the AutoAlign.mouseReleased method, and it calls the AutoAlign.ajustAlignment method. If the selected shape is aligned with a neighboring shape within a given error margin, then the AutoAlign.ajustAlignment method forcibly aligns the selected shape with the neighboring shape exactly (within round-off error).
: If the cases shown in Figure 1.3, Figure 2.1, 2.2 happen, this step is skipped, because the connections of connectors have high priority.

3.3 Summary of the processing



Step1. Creating scale marks on the x-axis and y-axis The createAlign method of this class creates scale marks based on the existing unselected shapes. The six scale marks - x left, x center, x right, y top, y middle, y bottom - are created from each of the unselected shapes. The first three are scale marks on the x-axis and the last three are scale marks on the y-axis. The scale marks are, of course, not equally spaced.
The scale mark is represented by an Align object. The Align object has an attribute (alignAxis) of the Align.XALIGN or Align.YALIGN which shows whether the scale mark belongs to the x-axis or the y-axis.
The Align objects of Align.XALIGN are further classified by the sub-attribute (alignType) into Align.LEFT, Align.CENTER and Align.RIGHT, and the Align objects of Align.YALIGN are classified in the same way into Align.TOP, Align.MIDDLE and Align.BOTTOM.
The scale marks on the x-axis are saved to xAlignList and those on the y-axis are saved to yAlignList. The scale marks are arranged in ascending order in each ArrayList.
The xAlignList and the yAlignList act as a kind of x-ruler and y-ruler. For example, to know whether the left side of the selected shape - which is being moved or resized - is aligned to other unselected shape, we search an Align object whose attribute and sub attribute are Align.XALIGN and Align.LEFT and whose value matches the left side of the selected shape.
Step2. Checking alignment If the selected shape happens to aligned with a scale mark - which we call "hitAlign" - in the xAlignList or yAlignList within a given error margin, the AutoAlign.createHitAlignedCouples method creates a new Align object from the selected shape - which we call "targetAlign". Then the AutoAlign.createHitAlignedCouples method creates a new object of the AlignedCouple which represents a couple of the targetAlign and the hitAlign and stores the new AlignedCouple object in the hitAlignedCouples(Vector object).
: The rules of checking alignment
(1) The moving or resizing operation can handle multiple selected shapes, however the screen looks so crowded if the auto_align function displays all the alignments for the multiple selected shapes with red dashed lines. So the auto_align function is limited to handle the single selected shape on which the mouse button was pressed.
(2) The alignAxis of the targetAlign should be the same as that of the hitAlign.
Step3. Displaying alignments
See=>Figure 1.4(b),(c)
The drawAlign method of this class displays an alignment by a red dashed line between the shape denoted by the targetAlign and hitAlign (see Figure 1.4(b)).
If several shapes are already aligned, then the selected shape being moved/resized may be aligned to many shapes at once, the drawAlign method may display many overlapped red dashed lines. This display looks so crowded and the overlapped dashed red lines are unnecessary.
To avoid this, the AutoAlign.selectHitAlignedCouple method selects AlignedCouple objects. So, for each alignment of the Align.LEFT, Align.CENTER, .... Align.BOTTOM, the selectHitAlignedCouple method selects one or two AlignedCouple objects and stores it to selectedHitAlignedCouples(Vector).
: Displaying red dashed lines for cubic curves etc.
If the two shapes denoted by the targetAlign and hitAlign are simple shapes like a rectangle or ellipse, the interval of the red dashed line can be determined easily. The Figure (e), (f) shows the alignment of two cubic curves.
In this case, the x interval of the red dashed line can't be determined trivially. To determine the interval the red dashed line, the AlignCouple.setAlignPoints sets the top, middle or bottom points of the two shapes - which are denoted by the targetAlign and hitAlign - by using the Align.getAlignedPoints method (point sampling method).
Thus the drawAlign method of this class draws the red dashed line as Figure (e), (f).

Figure (e) Align top

Figure (f) Align bottom

Step4.Aligning exactly The two shapes in the targetAlign and hitAlign are aligned within a given error margin.
The AutoAlign.ajustAlignment method slightly moves or resizes the shape in the targetAlign to align it to the hitAlign exactly within round-off error.
: If the cases shown in Figure 1.3, Figure 2.1, 2.2 happen, this step is skipped, because the keeping connections has high priority.

3.4 AutoAlign API return=>page top
public class AutoAlign



mousePositionInfo MousePositionInfo mousePositionInfo
The MousePositionInfo object which is passed by the MoveResizeShapeLS to the constructor of this class.
selectedContainers ShapeContainer[] selectedContainers
The selectedContainers of the MoveResizeShapeLS is set to this field in the constructor of this class.
auto_tracking_option int auto_tracking_option
Sets the DrawParameters.AUTO_TRACKING_OPTION to this field.
moveResizeShapeLS MoveResizeShapeLS moveResizeShapeLS MoveResizeShapeLSオブジェクト。コンストラクタで設定する。
mode int mode
The static constant of the Command.MOVE, RESIZE or MOVE_ENDPT is set to this field in the constructor.
xAlignList ArrayList xAlignList
Summary Step1
This ArrayList stores the scale marks on the x-axis, each of which corresponds to the left side/center/right side of a unselected shape. Here a scale mark is represented by an Align object and it is added to this ArrayList by the putAlign method of this class.
If the shape is aligned to a scale mark when it is moved/resized, a red dashed line is displayed by the drawAlign method of this class.
yAlignList ArrayList yAlignList
See=>Summary Step1
This ArrayList stores the scale marks on the y-axis, each of which corresponds to the top side/middle/bottom side of a unselected shape. Here a scale mark is represented by an Align object and it is added to this ArrayList by the putAlign method of this class.
If the shape is aligned to a scale mark when it is moved/resized, a red dashed line is displayed by the drawAlign method of this class.
hitAlignedCouples Vector hitAlignedCouples
See=>Summary Step2
AlignedCouple objects are created and stored to this Vector object by the createHitAlignedCouples method of this class.
selectedHitAlignedCouples Vector selectedHitAlignedCouples
See =>Summary Step3
The AlignedCouple objects - which are selected by the selectHitAlignedCouple method of this class - are stored to this vector object.
errorMargin public static double errorMargin
The error margin used for checking an alignment of two shapes. The current value is 3 pixels.
color Color color
The color of a dashed line, which shows an alignment of two shapes. The current value is red.



Constructor public AutoAlign(MoveResizeShapeLS moveResizeShapeLS)
Constructor public AutoAlign(int mode, MousePositionInfo mousePositionInfo, ShapeContainer[] selectedContainers)
This constructor is called by the init method of the MoveResizeShapeLS.
mode - See the mode field.
mousePositionInfo - See the mousePositionInfo field.
selectedContainers - See the selectedContainers field.
start public void start(int mode, MousePositionInfo mousePositionInfo, ShapeContainer[] selectedContainers)
⋅ Initial set for AUTO_ALIGN
: This method called from the MoveResizeShapeLS.init method is implemented in order to avoid that the MoveResizeShapeLS.init method is too complicated.
mouseDragged public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
⋅ Calles the drawHitAligns method of this class.
: This method is called from the MoveResizeShapeLS.mouseDragged method.
mouseReleased public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
⋅ mode=Command.MOVING_ENDPT_MODE

Checks the ConnectionUtil.connected field. If it is not true, calls the ajustAlignment method of this class.


Checks the ConnectionUtil.guided field. If it is not true, calls the ajustAlignment method.

: This method is called from the MoveResizeShapeLS.mouseReleased method.
createAlign private void createAlign()
See=>Summary Step1
This method is called by the constructor.
It creates the six Align objects - Align.LEFT, Align.CENTER, Align.RIGHT, Align.TOP, Align.MIDDLE and Align.BOTTOM - for each unselected shape.
The six Align objects are added to the xAlignList or yAlignList.
putAlign private void putAlign(int alignAxis, int alignType, double value, ShapeContainer shapeContainer)

alignAxis - Align.XALIGN or Align.YALIGN
alignType - Align.LEFT, Align.CENTER, Align.RIGHT, Align.TOP, Align.MIDDLE or Align.BOTTOM
value - The position of an alignment. If alignAxis equals Align.XALIGN, then sets x value, if alignAxis equals Align.YALIGN, then sets y value.
shapeContainer - Represents a shape.
This method is called by the createAlign method. It creates an new Align object whose attributes are specified by the parameters, and adds the new Align object to the xAlignList or yAlignList.
The Align objects in the xAlignList or yAlignList are arranged in ascending order.
drawHitAligns public void drawHitAligns()
See=>Summary Step3
This method is called by the mouseDragged and mouseReleased of the MoveResizeShapeLS.
If the shape being moved or resized is aligned to a neighboring shape within a given error margin, then this method displays a red dashed line. The createHitAlignedCouples method checks the alignment and calls the drawAlign method of this class to display the red dashed line.
createHitAlignedCouples private void createHitAlignedCouples(ShapeContainer targetContainer, int endPTindex)
See=>Summary Step2
targetContainer - The shape to be moved or resized on which the mouse button was pressed.
endPTindex - This parameter is effective if the mode equals Command.MOVE_ENDPT

endPTindex=0: The startpoint of the line/polyline/cubic curve is moved.
endPTindex=1: The endpoint of the line/polyline/cubic curve is moved.
endPTindex=-1: Otherwise.

This method finds an Align object (stored in the xAlignList or yAlignList) which the targetContainer is aligned to.
If the Align object (hitAlign) is found, then this methods creates a new Align object (targetAlign) from the targetContainer and creates a new AlignedCouple object using the targetAlign and the hitAlign. Finally this method adds the new AlignedCouple object to the hitAlignedCouples.
selectMovingEndPT private int selectMovingEndPT()
This method called by the constructor of this class.
It determines which endpoint of the shape is dragged with the mouse referring the mousePositionInfo. If the start point or end point of the shape is being moved, then returns 0 or 1 respectively.
selectHitAlignedCouple private AlignedCouple selectHitAlignedCouple(int alignType, int dir)
See=>Summary Step3
alignType - The same as Align.alignType.
dir - 0/1

if the dir=0, then returns the AlignedCouple object whose hitAlignPoint is located around the left side or upper side of the targetAlignPoint on the screen.
If the dir=1, then returns the AlignedCouple object whose hitAlignPoint is located at the right side or lower side of the targetAlignPoint.

Returns: Returns the AlignedCouple object
This method is called by the AutoAlign.drawHitAligns method.
This method selects AlignedCouple objects whose targetAlign and hitAlign have the same alignType and it equals the alignType parameter.
If the multiple AlignedCouple objects are found, this method selects one AlignedCouple object whose returned distance by the getAlignOrthogonalDistance method is minimum.
If the AlignedCouple isn't found, this method returns null.
drawAlign private void drawAlign(AlignedCouple couple)
couple - The AlignedCouple object to be displayed with red dashed lines.
This method is called by the drawHitAligns method and displays red dashed lines which shows that the two shapes in the AlignedCouple are aligned within a given error margin.
The red dashed lines are drawn by the DrawShapeUtil.drawMarkOnDrawPane method.
: Figure 3.1, Figure 3.2, Figure 3.3
ajustAlignment public void ajustAlignment(int ctrl)
ctrl - When the mouse is dragged with holding down the Shift/Ctrl/Alt key, then the ctrl value is 1/2/3 respectively.
The ctrl is passed to ShapeElement.move method.
Case 1. this.mode=Command.MOVING_MODE
Step 1. Selects the bestAlignedCouple for each XALIGN and YALIGN.


Step 2. Gets the align errors(errorX and errorY) for each XALIGN and YALIGN.


Step 3. Moves the this.selectedContainers along the vector of (errorX, errorY).

this.selectedContainers[i].getElement().move(ctrl, newP, true); 0≦i<this.selectedContainers.length,
The newP(Point2D.double) is the point created by moving the current mouse position along the vector (errorX, errorY).

: As the result of above prosessing, the shapeContainer in the targetAlign is aligned to the shapeContainer in the hitAlign accurately within round-off error.

Case 2. this.mode=Command.RESIZING_MODE
In the resizing mode, more detailed specification is required. For example, if resizing is done by moving NW Resize Handle, then the TOP and LEFT sides of the shape are needed to be moved, so the bestAlignedCouple can be selected in the following manner.
Step 1. Selects the bestAlignedCouple for each XALIGN and YALIGN.

bestCoupleX = this.getBestAlignedCouple(Align.XALIGN, Align.LEFT);
bestCoupleY = this.getBestAlignedCouple(Align.YALIGN, Align.TOP);

Step 2. Do the same processing as the Case 1. Step 2
Step 3. Resizes this.selectedContainers by moving the NW Resize Handle along the vector of (errorX, errorY)

this.selectedContainers[i].getElement().mouseStart(ctrl, P0);
this.selectedContainers[i].getElement().resize(ctrl, P1, mousePosition, true);

Case 3. this.mode=Command.MOVING_ENDPT_MODE
The Align.ENDPT is specified to the second parameter of the getBestAlignedCouple.
Step 1. Selects the bestAlignedCouple for each XALIGN and YALIGN.

bestCoupleX = this.getBestAlignedCouple(Align.XALIGN, Align.ENDPT);
bestCoupleY = this.getBestAlignedCouple( Align.YALIGN, Align.ENDPT);

Step 2. Do the same processing as the Case 1. Step2
Step 3. Moves the end point of the this.selectedContainers by the vector of (errorX, errorY).
Here, the end point is specified by the ptIndex given from the selectMovingEndPT.

this.selectedContainers[0].getElement().moveEndPoint(ctrl, ptIndex, newPoint);

: The connections with connectors are assured in the above processings, because this method is called from the MoveResizeShapeLS.mouseReleased method. => Figure 3.4
getBestAlignedCouple private AlignedCouple getBestAlignedCouple(int alignAxis)
alignAxis - XALIGN or YALIGN.
AlignedCouple - The best AlignedCouple object for the ajustAlignment method.
This method selects an AlignedCouple object from the selectedHitAlignedCouples (Vector object) by specifying the alignAxis attribute and returns the AlignedCouple object. If the multiple AlignedCouple objects are found, select one by the following manner.
Case 1. Overlapping between the boundingBox of the shape in the targetAlign and that in hitAlign.

Selects the AlignedCouple object whose overlapping interval is maximum.
Here, the overlapping interval is given by the AlignedCouple.checkIntersection method.

Case 2. No overlapping.

Selects the AlignedCouple object whose align error along alignAxis is minimum
Here, the align error is given by the AlignedCouple.getAlignedError method.

getBestAlignedCouple private AlignedCouple getBestAlignedCouple(int alignAxis, int targetAlignType)
More detailed specification can be possible by adding the parameter: targetAlignType.
alignAxis - XALIGN or YALIGN.
targetAlignType - Either from LEFT to ENDP.
AlignedCouple - The best AlignedCouple object for the ajustAlignment method.
This method selects an AlignedCouple object from the selectedHitAlignedCouples (Vector object) by specifying the alignAxis attribute and returns the AlignedCouple object.
The targetAlignType is used to compare to the alignType of the couple.targetAlign.
If the multiple AlignedCouple objects are found, select one by the following manner.
Case 1. Overlapping between the boundingBox of the shape in the targetAlign and that in hitAlign.

Selects the AlignedCouple object whose overlapping interval is maximum.
Here, the overlapping interval is given by the AlignedCouple.checkIntersection method.

Case 2. No overlapping.

Selects the AlignedCouple object whose align error along alignAxis is minimum
Here, the align error is given by the AlignedCouple.getAlignedError method.

2.3 AutoAlign support classes return=>page top
2.3.1 Class Align

An Align object represents the left side position, center position, right side position, top side position, middle position or bottom side position of a shape. If the shape is a line, an open polyline or an open cubic curve, then an Align object also represents the endpoint of the shape.

Field Description
alignAxis int alignAxis
XALIGN or YALIGN is set to this field.
alignType int alignType
LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT, TOP, MIDDLE, BOTTOM or ENDPT is set to this field.
value double value
Alignment position. If alignAxis equals XALIGN, then x value is set to this field. If alignAxis equals YALIGN, then y value is set to this field.
shapeContainer ShapeContainer shapeContainer
The shape from which this Align object is originated (=>ShapeContainer).
endPTindex int endPTindex
If the alignType equals ENDPT and a endpoint of the shape is moved, then this field is effective.
endPTindex=0: The startpoint of the shape is moved.
endPTindex=1: The endpoint of the shape is moved.
endPTindex=-1: ineffective
boundingBox Rectangle2D boundingBox
The rectangle which encloses the shape denoted by the shapeContainer. This field is set by the setBoundingBox method.
If alignType equals ENDPT, the boundingBox is the rectangle which encloses the startpoint or the endpoint of the shape according to endPTindex, and its width and height is zero.
alignedPoints Point2D[] alignedPoints
this field is set by the setAlignedPoints method.
XALIGN static final int XALIGN=10
The constant for the alignAxis.
YALIGN static final int YALIGN=11
The constant for the alignAxis.
LEFT static final int LEFT=0
The constant for the alignType.
CENTER static final int CENTER=1
The constant for the alignType.
RIGHT static final int RIGHT=2
The constant for the alignType.
TOP static final int TOP=3
The constant for the alignType.
MIDDLE static final int MIDDLE=4
The constant for the alignType.
BOTTOM static final int BOTTOM=5
The constant for the alignType.
ENDPT static final int ENDPT=6
The constant for the alignType.
alignString String[] alignString



Constructor Align(int alignAxis, int alignType, double value, ShapeContainer shapeContainer)
Sets the parameters to the corresponding fields.
Calls the setBoundingBox and setAlignedPoints methods to set the values to the fields of the boundingBox and alignedPoints.
Constructor Align(int alignAxis, int alignType, double value, ShapeContainer shapeContainer, int endPTindex)
Sets the parameters to the corresponding fields.
This constructor is used if the shape denoted by the shapeContainer is a line, an open polyline or an open cubic curve.
Calls the setBoundingBox and setAlignedPoints methods to set the values to the fields of the boundingBox and alignedPoints.
setBoundingBox private void setBoundingBox()
Sets the bounding box which encloses the shape denoted by the shapeContainer to the field variable this.boundingBox.
If the alignType equals ENDPT, then sets the bounding box that encloses the startpoint or the endpoint of the shape and its width and height are zero.
setAlignedPoints public Point2D[] getAlignedPoints()
See=>Summary Step3 Figure (e), (f)
Returns the points whose x-value or y-value matches the value within a given margin.
If the shape denoted by the shapeContainer is a simple shape, it's easy to obtain the point like top side point, center point, bottom side point, left side point, middle point or right side point.
If the shape isn't a simple shape, for example a cubic curve, then this method obtains the points by point sampling method on the boundary of the shape.
getAlignAxis int getAlignType()
Returns the alignAxis field.
getAlignType int getAlignType()
Returns the alignType field.
getValue double getValue()
Returns the value field.
getShapeContainer ShapeContainer getShapeContainer()
Returns the shapeContainer field.
getEndPTindex int getEndPTindex()
Returns the endPTindex field.
getBoundingBox Rectangle2D getBoundingBox()
Returns the boundingBox field.
getAlignedPoints public Point2D[] getAlignedPoints()
Returns the alignedPoints field.
update public void update()
Updates this object when this.shapeContainer is updated.
toString public String toString()
Returns the string representing this object.

2.3.2 Class AlignedCouple return=>page top



targetAlign protected Align targetAlign
The Align object that is created from the target shape to be moved or resized.
hitAlign protected Align hitAlign
The Align object which is stored in xAlignList or yAlignList and it is aligned to the target shape.
targetAlignPoint protected Point2D targetAlignPoint
The point on the boundary of the shape stored in the targetAlign object. This point is the start point of a red dashed line that shows the alignment and is set by the setAlignPointsmetod.
hitAlignPoint protected Point2D hitAlignPoint
The point on the boundary of the shape stored in the hitAlign object. This point is the end point of a red dashed line which shows the alignment and is set by the setAlignPoints method.



Constructor public AlignedCouple(Align targetAlign, Align hitAlign)
Sets the parameters to the corresponding fields.
setAlignPoints private void setAlignPoints()
This method sets the points to the targetAlignPoint and the hitAlignPoint.
To do this, this method gets the sampling points (targetPTs) from the targetAlign object and the sampling points (hitPTs) from the hitAlignPoint object by their getAlignedPoints methods.
Then this method calculates the shortest distance combination from the targetPTs and the hitPTs.
The two points which give the shortest distance are set to the targetAlignPoint and the hitAlignPoint respectively.
getTargetAlignPoint public Point2D getTargetAlignPoint()
Returns the targetAlignPoint.
getHitAlignPoint public Point2D getHitAlignPoint()
Returns the hitAlignPoint.
isHitAlignUpperLeft public boolean isHitAlignUpperLeft()
Returns true if the hitAlignPoint is located at the left side or upper side of the targetAlignPoint.
public double getAlignOrthogonalDistance()
Returns the distance between the targetAlignPoint and the hitAlignPoint.
getAlignedError public double getAlignedError()
Return the error on x-axis or y-axis between targetAlign and hitAlign.
This method is called by the ajustAlignment method of the AutoAlign.
: There is a small alignment error between between targetAlign and hitAlign because this couple is created if the two shapes are aligned within a given error margin.
=> Summary Step2, Summary Step4
public double[] checkIntersection()
double[] - Overlapping interval. if the overlap doesn't exist, Returns null.
If the boundingBox in the this.targetAlign and that in this.hitAlign are overlapped, returns the overlapping interval
If the align is XALIGN, then returns the interval in y-coordinate and If the align is YALIGN then returns the interval in x-coordinate.
: The thick red dashed lines in the Figure 3.2 and Figure 3.3 show the overlapping interval.
toString public String toString()
Returns the string representing this object.

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